Saturday, March 26, 2011

Temperary Disability Benefits In Tx

Shanti mantras

Shanti These are the mantras that we use in yoga classes. The first is the opening. The last two, we sing to close the practice.
Below is a video with the pronunciation and intonation.


Sahanau bhunaktu
Sahaviryam karavavahai
Tejasvi-navadhitam astu
vidvishavahai Ma (i)

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (i )

"That we are together, evolve together, without conflict, with friendship, with an open mind.
That our consciousness is lit.
Let there be harmony between us.
Let there be peace for body, mind and peace for peace for the soul. "

Asatoma Sad Gamaya
Tamasoma Jyotir Gamaya
Mrityorma Gamaya Amrut

Om Shanti Shanti Shanti (i)

"Lead us from the unreal to the Real, (from the transient to intransitorio)
from darkness to light (from ignorance of our spiritual being spiritual knowledge)
of death to immortality (of material consciousness to spiritual consciousness)
Om peace, peace, peace. "

Lokah Samastaha Sukhino Bhavantu (x3)
Om , Shanti, Shanti, Shanti (i).

"May all beings in all worlds be happy.
Om peace, peace, peace. "

you can also read more about the Shanti mantra and prayer Om Shanti in previous posts:


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