Wednesday, March 2, 2011

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Suryanamaskar Practice Tonight is Shivaratri!

The festival of Shivaratri, dedicated to Lord Shiva, is celebrated on the moonless night of Phalguna month, falls on the fourteenth day of krishnapaksha or dark half. Due to special planetary conjunctions, spiritual practices done on this day are considered auspicious and beneficial. There is a reference to this in one of the Puranas, where it Shiva tells Parvati Devi [ Divine Mother] that this particular day is very dear, and that those who perform penance in this day be freed from sinful reactions.

There is a popular story in the Puranas which reads: There once was a poor hunter in Varanasi. His name was Susvara. He lived with his wife and son in a small hut. His was a very poor existence. Susvara went to the forest and hunted as he stood in the way, and ASCI fed his family. One day in particular caught a lot of small animals and birds, putting them in a bag. Encouraged by the game, went deep in the forest for prey. Soon night fell and started back home. I was concerned because the forest was infested with dangerous animales.No you liked the idea of \u200b\u200bspending the night there. Soon darkened lot. Unable to find the way, Susvara climbed a tree to be safe from dangerous animals.

muggings in its smell, the animals approached the tree. Waiting driven away, Susvara cut some branches from the tree and threw them to the animals, without success. Throughout the night the animals stood guard.

Susvara could not sleep a wink all the night. It remained vigilant through the night. Cut leaves of the tree, which was a bilva and threw to the ground. Without knowing Susvara had a Shivalinga under the tree, and so, although he did not know, to shed leaves bilva , Susvara was making an offering to Shivalinga. That just was Shivaratri night. In this way the hunter was awake and worshiped Shiva.

According to Shiva Purana, Mahashivaratri worship must incorporate six items: bilva leaves to the deity after taking a ceremonial bath, which represents the purification of soul, apply a red paste ( kunkuma) in linga after bathing it, representing virtue; provide food, leading to longevity and gratificaciçon of desires; light incense, representing the richness, light an oil lamp, which means the attainment of knowledge, and offer betel leaves, which represents the satisfaction of worldly pleasures. These six items are an indispensable part of the worship of Mahashivaratri, whether a simple ceremony at home or in a temple.

meaning of the rituals

The story told above is an allegory. Just as the hunter killed animals, the seeker tries to conquer his lust, anger, vanity, obsession, jealousy and hatred. The jungle is the mind where prowl all the negativities, dangerous animals. A spiritual aspirant must kill these "animals" to be free.

The name of the hunter is Susvara, which means "someone who has a melodious voice." This indicates the purity of purpose and of speech, which in turn implies a certain level of mental purity.

The hunter was in Varanasi. Vara refers to the front, while nasi is nose. The point where the two meet is Varanasi, in other words, the midpoint between the eyebrows. This point is also called chakra ajna and is said to be a link between the three nadis : way, and pingala sushumna . A spiritual aspirant who concentrates his mind at this point wins gradual concentration and control over his senses. The kill control animals indicates the vasanas [latent tendencies].

Tree bilva corresponds to the column. The leaves of the tree are special: each stem has only three leaves. The three leaves represent the three nadis above. Climb up the tree represents the kundalini shakti from muladhara to ajna chakra.

Being awake means awareness and unity of purpose that a spiritual aspirant needs to reach the goal . can not blink even for a moment.

Shiva is the Supreme Consciousness that illuminates the three states of waking, dream and deep sleep. Provide the three pieces of bilva the Shivalinga guarantee the transfer to a level of consciousness beyond the three states, which is the fourth turiya . The return to that state symbolizes spiritual awakening.




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