Sunday, January 30, 2011

Denise Milani Pre-breast Implants


One of the most popular Irish songs Gilbert O'Sullivan and that was all the rage in the early 70's. Alone again :

Alone Again - Gilbert O'Sullivan

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Which Is The Right Way 2 Break Seal Of Vegina


A fracture is defined as a bone lesion characterized by disruption of continuity of bone tissue (5). Although any site may fracture the pelvic girdle, the term hip fracture is commonly associated with the breakdown of some of the bones forming the hip joint (11). As with other fractures or dislocations, can be caused by violent impacts (traffic accidents) where the leg is straight and produces a force that is transmitted to the hip (6).

fractures of the pelvis can be especially dangerous if you injure the soft tissues such as blood vessels, nerves or internal organs (6).

Femoral Neck Fracture


Hip fractures are particularly common in people over 60, especially women, whose bones tend to be weak and brittle due to osteoporosis (4,6,11) and the trend of falling. The incidence is increasing due to increased life expectancy (11).

In Costa Rica, femoral neck fractures with the wrist, are the most common in the elderly (4). In hip and thigh injuries, hip fracture occupies first place in incidence with 90% (5).

In the United States estimates that between 300 000 and 500 000 people suffer from this type of fractures per year (11) and although the surgery is performed in that country, medical tourism to Costa Rica currently suggests that the Therapists must be prepared to rehabilitate foreign patients who have suffered this problem. Causes

Falls (4) and osteoporosis (4.5) are the most common cause of hip fractures, and these events are generally etiology multifactorial (social, physical, medicine, etc) 4. Virtually all minor changes to the age (4) are related and therefore falls with hip fractures, among them we can mention (4):

  • Osteporosis and osteoarthritis stiffness and / or reduced muscular control
  • Unsteady
  • Alteration of postural reflexes
  • cardiovascular disorders (myocardial infarction, pacemaker Dysfunction of the barroreceptores)
  • auditory and visual disturbances
  • neurological disorders (stroke, myelopathy, altered proprioception, acute confusional, alterations cognitive)
  • hypoglycemia, anemia, syncope

Hip Osteoarthritis is characterized by pain, edema, loss of function and erosion of articular cartilage. It is common cause of disability (6).

is important to note that the sharp falls even on the buttocks, can cause injuries such as broken branches of the pubis, acetabulum, or cartilage injury or even perforation of the acetabulum and femoral head (6).

Hip Joint Arthritis

Although falls are the most common cause of hip fractures, one should not assume that all falls are always in this type of injury. Even it is estimated that only 3% to 5% of falls end in splits (4).

  • exogenous factors or environmental factors include (5):
  • slippery or uneven surfaces such as carpets
  • Barriers wrinkled
  • pet steps or lack of lighting and railings

Symptoms and signs
after a fall where a hip fracture occurs appear the following signs and symptoms:

  • shooting pain in the groin and over the greater trochanter (5.8) and sometimes radiates to the knee (8)
  • functional impotence to move the hip (5)
  • deformity and shortening (5.8 )
  • External rotation of the tip (5)
  • Weakness in the muscles of the hip (8)
hip fracture patients tongoymanganeta/FEMUR2.jpg


Hip fractures are classified their anatomical location (4.5) and severity (5). The basic considerations are whether the fracture is in the areas intracapsular, extracapsular (5) or acetabular (3,4,5).

intracapsular fractures, also known as femoral neck fractures (5.11) are the most commonly seen in people over age 65 (11). Are located at the head and neck of the femur and when they are displaced affect the irrigation of the femoral head (3.5) so they can produce avascular necrosis (3.5).

Fracture Types

This type of fracture to are subdivided using the classification of Garden5, where non-displaced fractures can be type I and II, associated with a better prognosis in terms of consolidation and incidence of necrosis (5). Displaced fractures can be type III and IV, with a more guarded prognosis (5).

X-ray hip fracture

Extracapsular fractures are those that are located in the intertrochanteric and subtrochanteric regions (3,4,5). The first are between the greater trochanter and the child and are the result of low energy trauma in bones with osteoporosis (5). Are associated with higher mortality (5). From the practical point of view are classified into stable and unstable, according to the criteria of Evans / Jensen (5), which help determine treatment and prognosis (5).

subtrochanteric fractures are located between the lower edge of the lesser trochanter and the junction between the proximal and middle third of the femur (5). These injuries are more common in young and trauma resulting from high density (5).

acetabular fractures, as its name implies, occur in the hip bone level and may be particularly acetábulo4 dangerous when it affects internal organs to the pelvic region (6).

X-ray left acetabular fracture

Treatments primary goal of treatment is to reduce pain and increase range of motion (11). In the majority of hip fractures should be surgical treatment, however, in some patients is contraindicated by their medical condition (4), so rather covers non-surgical treatment.

Non-Surgical Treatment

This treatment consists of rest in bed for several months and sometimes drive (4). In this case we observed complications of maintaining a patient in the same position for an extended period of time (eg pressure ulcers and respiratory dysfunction (4). There also exists the risk of inadequate consolidation, lowering expectations healing (4).


In nondisplaced fractures using nails or screws (4), whereas displaced fractures or where there is severe arthritis (4), use one of the following methods.

  • Hemiarthroplasty: replacement of the femoral head or acetabulum, but not both (8,11).
  • Total Hip Arthroplasty: Replacement of the femoral head and acetabulum (8,11,12).
These procedures exist from the 60's8 and although the general principle is the same, the materials, techniques of anesthesia, surgery and nursing care have improved considerably (8). They are especially recommended for patients with cartilage wear (osteoarthritis) of the joint (8).

The prosthesis is usually polyethylene acetabulum while the femoral cobalt-chromium, titanium or stainless steel (8,11). Both are designed to withstand high levels of stress (11). The prosthesis is attached to healthy portions of the bone using acrylic cement and screws (11).

During the procedure, the damaged bone ends are removed and put into place the prosthesis metal, ceramic or plastic (11). The general steps listed below (11):
  1. The femoral head is removed and is cut to fit the prosthesis
  2. The socket is shaped to accept the new cavity
  3. Place the metal bracket on the acetabulum acetabular8 drink called
  4. the prosthesis is inserted in the place where femoral head was
Removing the head of the femur (left) and molding of the acetabulum (right)

Placement acetabular prosthesis (left) and head of the femur (right)

Complications and prognosis

Potential complications of arthroplasties are associated with post-operative conditions and associated risk factors (4,8,11). The main complications are:

  • infections (4.5)
  • loss of functional capacity (5)
  • venosa4 Thrombosis, 5, or pulmonary embolism (5)
  • retention or urinary or fecal incontinence (5)
  • dislocation of the prosthesis components (4)
  • nerve injury (4)
  • Pain Depression
  • Offset Anemia of chronic disease (5)

The prognosis is similar to the decision of the therapeutic method depends on the location of the fracture (4). It is estimated a mortality of 12% to 41% in six months (3.4), according to associated risk factors. The causes of death related to pneumonia, electrolyte imbalance, strokes, heart failure and pulmonary embolism (4).

Risk Factors

risk factors are related to the causes of falls. The main risk factors identified in the study of Lopez et all, 2007 is summarized below (5):

  • age: post-menopausal women and men over age 75 (5)
  • Females: More common in women because of the anatomical arrangement and pattern hormonal3, 5 separate are more likely to osteoporosis (5)
  • White Race: Less common in people of color (5)
  • Osteoporosis: A decrease in bone density (3.5) falls
  • Syndrome: Caused by slippery or uneven surfaces, obstacles, lack lighting, etc. (5)
  • Sedentary: Typical of older people with limited mobility (5)
  • Loss of muscle mass, causes abnormal gait and posture problems (5)
  • visual deficit: Considered also risk factor for falls (5)
  • Unsteady gait: The loss of muscle mass or neurological disorders (5)
  • Eating Disorders: Obesity *, malnutrition, alcohol abuse (5)
  • lower limb orthopedic conditions: Osteoarthritis of the Hip (Coxoartrosis), osteoarthritis of the knee (gonarthrosis), deformities of the first toe (hallux valgus)
(*) Some authors do not consider obesity as a risk factor for soft tissue usually act as damping mechanism in a fall (3).

Prevention Prevention of hip fractures involves a deal as far as possible riesgo5 factors. Some of the key recommendations are (3.5):

  • Early diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis
  • Treatment of visual problems
  • security measures to prevent falls (correct lighting, security bars, etc)
  • Exercise for improving balance and walking
  • Proper diet

Care Patient

pre-and postoperative care of a patient with hip arthroplasty vary from one institution to another. By way of illustration, are some recommendations used by the Hospital General Universitario de Valencia (10). Although many of these care are performed by nurses, it is always important that any health professional related to the patient to know the basic protocol.

recommended care during hospitalization and surgical preparation are:

  • Environmental Management and Maintenance
  • comfort venous access devices
  • Administration of medicines.
  • Advice / education about the surgery

care recommended in the postoperative period are divided into immediate, first day, second day and third day. The most important are listed below:
  • self care (bathing, hygiene, food, etc)
  • Repositioning Education
  • exercises / activities prescribed
  • Post Anesthesia Care Pain Management
  • monitoring vital signs of peripheral embolism
  • Care Maintenance
  • venous access devices
  • analgesics
  • Care of the incision site urinary catheter care
  • Control of bleeding
  • primary caregiver support
Home Care

postoperative care at home are important as they can speed recovery patient's complete rehabilitation. Some of the recommendations suggested by the University Medical Center Mississippi are as follows (12):

  • Sitting in a chair with armrests to help get up and do it always with the affected leg in front of the unaffected leg.
  • Sit with your feet at least 6 inches.
  • The affected leg should always look ahead
  • Do physical therapy exercises but should be discontinued if you experience severe pain
  • If your legs swell when walking, lying down with feet elevated
  • Use handrails on stairs and upload until the doctor tells
  • Use low-heeled shoes
  • Place a pillow between your legs when sleeping on one side and the unoperated side
  • Use support stockings and take them off at least twice a day for 30 minutes.
  • If traveling by car, making stops every hour to get out and walk around to increase blood flow to the legs.
Some activities are not recommended are as follows (12):

  • not sit with crossed legs
  • not walk on wet or polished floors
  • not lean forward or sideways to pick up objects
  • not sit on low chairs or sofas
  • not take baths in the bathtub
  • surgical wound not rub
  • not lift anything heavier than 5 pounds
  • not drive, have sex or play sports until the doctor tells
  • Before any extraction or surgery of the teeth, tell the dentist about hip surgery
Some of the symptoms and warning signs after surgery (12):

  • pain, swelling or redness in the calf of either leg
  • Redness, warmth or drainage surgical wound fever or chills
  • severe hip pain that does not improve with medication
  • sharp and sudden pain in the hip that is accompanied by a sound "popping"
  • shortening of the leg and foot outward deflection
  • productive cough and phlegm out of yellow or green
  • Shortness of breath or pain burning on urination, back pain accompanied by

In any medical treatment, patient education is paramount. Any health professional should have general knowledge of diseases and common treatments. Hip fractures are problems whose incidence is increasing worldwide and is therefore essential to obtain all information as possible, including, obviously, minimal nursing care.

The nursing staff has the knowledge and professional training to treat patients pre-and post-operative. Although the physical therapist is not directly involved in some processes (eg, surgery), it is part of a multidisciplinary team that aims to care for and rehabilitate the patient. All knowledge gained support in communication with other team members and will always benefit the patient.

Medical Tourism in Costa Rica is increasing and with it the need for physical therapists with knowledge of general care patients. Since hip replacement also is increasing, students in this career should be prepared to serve patients coming from other countries.

Importantly, at all times the health personnel should be able to anticipate, predict and adjust the risk (3), and understand that health education is one of the key elements for the management of patients with this type of surgery (3). Original Paper

This research was part of the Rehabilitation Nursing Course, American University.

Disposible online:


(1) Baptist Hospital. 2009. Care for Total Hip Replacement in the Orthopedic Unit. Baptist Health South Florida. United States.
(2) Beita Ruiz, Anais. 2009. Recommendations for Patients with Hip Replacement Surgery for Osteoarthritis. Shop Spain.
(3) Campos, F. Girbes, I. Canto, M. Gonzalez, E. 2005. Hip fracture: a problem that is expected to increase in coming years. Integral Nursing. Spain.
(4) Carvajal Montoya, Alvaro. 2007. Falls and Hip Fractures in the Elderly. Medical Journal of Costa Rica and Central. LXIV 199-202. Costa Rica
(5) Lopez, Giorjanela. Chacón, Kennedy. Rivera, Alvaro. 2007. Hip fracture incidence in Costa Rica. Medical Journal of Costa Rica and Central America. LXIV 125-132. Costa Rica
(6) Moore, Keith. Dalley, Arthur. 2003. Clinical Oriented Anatomy. Edition 4. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Argentina.
(7) Riquelme, Raul. Candia, Rodrigo. Riquelme, Roberto. Santana, Pablo. Montoya, Victor. 2008. Total Hip Arthroplasty in Severe Osteoarthritis. Hernan Henriquez Aravena Hospital. Chile.
(8) Sanchez, Alfredo. 2002. Total Hip Replacement. Health Charter. Fundación Clínica Valle del Lili. Number 70. Colombia.
(9) Silva, Carlos. Alvarado, Constanza. Llinás, Adolfo. Navas, Jose. Rodriguez, Hugo. Cadena, Eusebio. Carrillo, Germain. Zayed, Gamal. 2006. Conventional Total Hip Replacement Mini-incision face. Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá. Colombia.
(10) Ten Gil, A. Adrian Campos, E. Casan Benito, A. Gonzalez Sanchez, E. 2007. Nursing care in patients undergoing hip arthroplasty in CHGUV. Digital Nursing. Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. Spain.
(11) Tortora, Gerald. Derrickson, Bryan. 2006. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 11 th. Edition. Editorial Médica Panamericana.
Mexico (12) University of Mississippi. 2005. Home Care for Patients with Hip Replacement. Medical Center of the University of Mississippi. U.S.

Myspace Chelsea-charms


The famous group Genesis began his musical career in progressive rock in the mid 60's after the union of two school bands school of Surrey Charterhouse called Garden Wall, which was the singer Peter Gabriel ( London, England , 1950) and keyboardist Tony Banks ( Sussex, England , 1951) and Anon , training consisting of guitarist and singer Anthony Phillips and bassist, guitar and vocals Michael Rutherford . These four characters with drummer Chris Stewart would join producer Jonathan King and choose a new name for the joint project, New Anon, which subsequently rebautizaría as Genesis . It was a band that wanted to create a new style of folk-rock with symphonic scope, based arpeggios in 12-string guitar and piano riffs and organ virtuoso.

The group's name, given by Jonathan King alludes to Genesis, first book of the Bible (at first called From Genesis to Revelation , as his first album, because in United States was a group with the same name).

would remove the market in 1968 their first single, the unseen The silent sun, a prelude to From Genesis to revelation (1969), edited by Decca Records, his first LP that neither had much impact because at that time it was fashionable was the psychedelic music, and which involved the new drummer John Silver , replaced soon after by John Mayhew . It orchestrations used against the wishes of the band.

His second album, Trespass (1970), produced by Tony Stratton Smith , not get too popular resonance, even included long songs and variations in the use of instruments in the songs. After this album there were further changes in the group with the departure of Anthony Phillips (As was said, stage fright) and John Mayhew .

In August of that year, enter Phil Collins on drums. With it, the group becomes a quartet for a few shows until you see the fifth element of Genesis , guitarist Mick Barnard . The new guitarist does not meet the expectations of the group, who think he can match the role fulfilled Phillips, so they decide to fire him, taking his place Steve Hackett. And with this training record his third album, Nursery Cryme (1971), which includes topics such as > The musical box and For absent friends.

The compositions have the complexity of other progressive rock bands. The letters mainly narrated tales of fantasy, futuristic and social criticism. The concerts were saturated with sound and video effects, mainly of innovative visual elements such as laser light.

Genesis leader in this first stage was Peter Gabriel, a notorious frontman of theatrical skills, which he used for his performances on stage giving the proceedings a more dramatic and theatrical, including costume changes and surreal introductions in each of the songs. This change makes presentations Genesis in the mouth of the public, making it one of the most controversial and successful bands in their live concerts during the years 70. Foxtrot (1972), confirms the defined style, with great musical complexity and literiaria, and includes the song 23 minutes Supper's ready , considered one of the masterpieces of progressive rock, and the subject Watcher of the Skies , become their most commercial album to date.

Genesis live (1973) serve to transfer the vinyl world renowned live performances. Disco designed as a thank you to the German public for their welcome on the tour by Europe, should have just left there. However, demand from other places was so high that it was finally released worldwide. A drive test was constructed as a double album, including the aforementioned Supper's ready. However, the record company's desire to reach more listeners did it was changed, eliminating the issue, to become single.

Selling England by the pound (1973) his final studio album of 1973 was again a major success and received rave reviews by the critics and fans. The album contains songs like Firth of fifth and I Know What I Like (In Your Wardrobe) . While it followed the same line of previous work demonstrated a remarkable maturity of the band, which was deemed by many to be the most representative album period Peter Gabriel in Genesis . Includes, anecdotally, a track sung by Phil Collins , More fool me .

In 1974, Genesis adventure in a far more ambitious conceptually speaking, the double disc The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway . The album is a concept album of short songs which Gabriel tells the story of extraordinarily Rael in search of his brother. Saving The carpet crawlers, not in it matters that have achieved great commercial importance, in which coincides with the highest artistic quality throughout Gabriel stage, however, it should be noted that this is a hinge work for the progressive rock world, only comparable with others such as Sgt Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band The Beatles of , Dark Side of the Moon of Pink Floyd, In the court of the Crimson King Crimson King of , Crime of the Century Supertramp of , Led Zeppelin IV Led Zeppelin of , Paranoid Black Sabbath of or of Tommy The Who .

During the creation of ambitious The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway there were some tensions among group members, particularly Banks and Gabriel . Gabriel was the lyricist, while the other members of the band composed the music, except for Counting out time and The carpet crawlers. The light dies down on Broadway was composed by Banks and Rutherford . Sound effects The waiting room and the vocal effects The grand parade of lifeless packaging were produced by ambient composer Brian Eno .

recording the album, the band goes on tour, and after finishing it in August 1975, Peter Gabriel decided to leave the band for personal reasons, to start new projects. Rutherford recalls, "Not that we had lost the trial. We were sure we could keep writing music because Tony and I had done all The lamb ... However, the issue was whether people were going to take it anymore. " Because

output Gabriel, the band is forced to audition to get a vocalist., But not be clear what kind of singer needed, but if they did not want to consider moving away much of the vocal style of Peter Gabriel . Phil Collins, who made the choir, was commissioned to train candidates. Time passed, and nothing caused them any impression of what the group decided it was Collins who took the job.

was hard to imagine the future of Genesis without the leadership of Peter Gabriel but Trick of the trail (1975) was well received, peaking at number 3 on the UK charts and 31 in the Americans, showing that Collins could do forget Gabriel, achieving even better previous sales jobs. Songs like Ripples , Dance on a Volcano Entangled and captivated the audience. For live performances, the band hired a drummer as Phil Collins was singing. First they offered it to Roger Taylor of Queen, who did not accept and because of this, go Bill Bruford, ex-member of Yes and King Crimson . Later Chester Thompson (Weather Report , Frank Zappa), occupy place.

In 1976, he recorded Genesis Wind & wuthering . The most representative of the album were Blood on the rooftops , Afterglow and One for the vine . Also in 1977, appears an EP, Spot the pigeon, which contained extra songs recording Wind & wuthering .

A new live album is produced by the band in 1977, Seconds out, leaving Hackett training after this release, and the remaining three members, Collins, Banks and Rutherford would continue as a trio, adopting a more pop sound and less progressive. Hackett left the band because he felt that its importance as a composer in the band was not right, continued to maintain a good relationship with others. This is demonstrated in his first solo album in 1975, even in parallel Genesis, Voyage of the accolyte , which Collins and Rutherford played a crucial role, to the extent considered by some critics as "The Genesis disc due out after the departure of Gabriel ." It hired a new guitarist, Daryl Stuermer , to continue the American and European tour, which also handled really low in some areas, in which Rutherford himself took the role of guitarist.

In any case, despite the complicity over the years have shown Banks, Collins and Rutherford with Stuermer and Thompson for the studio albums the group was reduced to three-member official historical. The departure of guitar solos Extraordinary further change in the sound of the band. The complexity of art that had reached its peak in 1973-74 would disappear forever, ushering in a period characterized by dance tracks, and not by the musical development and flight interpretation.

The group remained a trio, a fact evidenced by the title of the album released in 1978 ... And Then There Were Three ... , which Rutherford serves as a guitarist and bass and, along with Banks , composes all the material. With this album managed to get his first hit on U.S. radio, thanks the subject Follow you, follow me . The popularity of Genesis was reflected in sales of the album, which won a gold in the U.S. .

Duke, a much more commercial album, was released two years later, in 1980. The LP managed to place in the No. 1 lists UK in 11 in United States and included the issue of Collins, Misunderstanding and the great success Turn it on again, it has not disappeared from the commercial music stations almost thirty years. In it, Phil Collins shown as a composer, drummer and singer as well. From the moment Genesis dedicated to adapt their style to the voice of Collins , while retaining some of its original style. The passage of Gabriel to Collins involved a different management of the stage. Now they had a person close to the hearing, but lost sight of Gabriel chameleon besides this original rock style. Collins air brought a bluesy, more jazz.

In 1981, they recorded Abacab , album which includes the collaboration of the band Earth, Wind & Fire on the subject No reply at all . All members of Genesis were in the 30 years and were the force that opposed the emergence of punk and were successful. Banks recalls its popularity: "Until now we have not had a single discussion about money." With sales increasing around the world, focused on improving their live performances. In the 1981-1982 tour broke attendance records of public events driven by a new lighting system called Vari-Lite . A decade then were the first to use video screens in stadiums HD.

Another live album, Three Sides Live is launched in 1982. That same year, prepare a concert, where they appear Peter Gabriel and Hackett . The concert took the title of Six of the best and was held at the Milton Keynes Bowl .

In 1983, the album appears Genesis, soon performing in the No. 1 lists UK. Topics such as Mama , That's all and Home by the sea were hits on radio stations, while the song Just a job to do became the main theme of the TV show The Insiders .

Genesis released the album that has given more sales in 1986. This is the album Invisible Touch , who managed to get five singles in American radio ( Throwing it all away , In too deep, Tonight, tonight, tonight , Land of confusion and Invisible Touch). Land of confusion was also honored for having one of the best videos of the year, with the animated figures in Spitting image of Collins, Banks and Rutherford original and a caricature of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher as protagonists.

"Despite the perception of the media, we were never a singles band," says Rutherford . "In our heads we were a band that played songs long but managed to place some successes. "A year later, the band managed to become the first band to sell tickets for four full consecutive concerts at Wembley Stadium . The following year, the readers of Rolling Stone magazine the band declared in 86.

After a hiatus of 5 years in which its components are dedicated to their solo careers and alternative projects, Genesis decides to record and release We can not dance in 1991, which follows the above with many styles characteristic of the group, although the weight of Collins is perhaps greater than in previous ones, and production rises (metaphorically and physically) the volume of the battery.

The disc includes several issues that came to position itself very well in the charts (No. 1 in England and No. 4 in U.S. ) Jesus He Knows Me , I can not dance, of mine is not , Hold on my heart , Tell me why, Never a time, Driving the last spike and Fading lights. The album also includes the song Since I lost you (Collins written in memory of the death of the son of Eric Clapton , Conor ). This boosted sales of 10 million copies worldwide, the group's biggest selling album to date and with the largest audience you had in England when sold out two concerts at Knebworth in 1992. "We were surprised that Phil still want a record of Genesis " recalls Banks . "We were loyal to each other, but the pressure due to solo success made it difficult for officials in a band. "

Having been for 25 years with the band, Phil Collins goes to early 1996. Following this event, Rutherford Banks and decide to continue with the band, but it is necessary to recruit other members, joining her Ray Wilson on vocals. Also, Nick D'Virgilio and Nir Zidkyahu come to play battery (but only for concerts) and Anthony Drennan on guitar, similarly, sporadically. Wilson's voice is closer Gabriel that Collins, leading to a more rock album. "We liked Ray instantly evokes images of his voice," says Banks . "He has a natural dark. With Ray can write in a heavier, more atmospheric than it did with Phil . We also liked that it had too much history." One of the things that caught the attention of this new singer was her capacity to adapt to the group, but also to compose 3 songs for an album of a band with so much history and weight.

With this new formation, Genesis reappears in 1997 to release the album Calling All Stations , which sold well in Europe thanks to the song Congo, peaking at 29 in the charts. However, there was the same in the U.S. , where they could not even reach the Top 50 . For this reason, Genesis had to cancel the tour they had planned. After completing a European tour, the two original members Wilson fired and decide to leave temporarily.

in 1998 launched a four-disc compilation, Genesis Archive 1967-75, in which new material is presented with a live recording with Peter Gabriel singing (including a full presentation of the classic live The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway , Shrine Auditorium , Los Angeles, January 24, 1975). A year later came another compilation album of hits Turn It On Again: The Hits , a collection containing most of the great successes of the era Phil Collins, plus I Know What I Like of Selling England by the pound and a remake of The carpet crawlers interpreted by formation of the time except Peter Gabriel, although five members were not in the same studio together during recording, recorded their parts in different studies. In 2000 appears

another compilation album, Genesis Archive # 2: 1976-1992 , containing material of the period in which Phil Collins was the main voice.

Between June and October 2007 Genesis developed the tour Turn It On Again, returning to the stage. This tour initially consisted of 20 concerts in Europe and 20 in North America, which were subsequently expanded given the massive success of the event. That document included subjects of all stages of the band, with great scenic apparatus, designed by Mark Fisher , famous for working on the best tours U2, Pink Floyd and Rolling Stones .

Although he never lost touch, making even a small performance in 2004 as a trio, is 2007 the time of the meeting of more stable formation of the band, with Thompson and Stuermer accompanying Banks, Collins and Rutherford . Former members of the golden age, Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett not participate in this tour, although Hackett on several occasions has expressed its willingness to consider a possible union, and Gabriel ensures it does not exclude possibility of joining them again, but in the future, because now wants to concentrate on their work.

Alongside this tour discography reissued Genesis SACD and DVD formats with high-definition audio, surround sound and remastered. In addition, the page The Music edit each one of the concerts of the tour in Encore Series. In July 2007 the group opened the concert Live Earth 07/07/1907 at Wembley Stadium , London .

result of the concerts in the new tour, in November he released a double live album Live Over Europe 2007 , with a selection of songs performed in various concerts in Europe, while in May 2008 launched the DVD Free concert held in Rome entitled When in Rome.

Despite the constant rumors of unification of the band, including Peter Gabriel and Steve Hackett, the fact remains that has not yet become effective. In this regard, Tony Banks said the group members agreed, even Phil Collins could take charge of the battery, but he said he has a spinal injury that prevents him from playing the drums.

In September 2009, published Genesis Genesis Live 1973-2007 , a box-set contains remixed and remastered editions of the first five albums the band, and was published in November other Video box-set of the group's concerts filmed between 1981 and 1982.

In March 2010 Genesis were included in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame presented by Phister guitarist, Trey Anastasio . Collins, Banks , Rutherford and Steve Hackett appeared at the ceremony, but Peter Gabriel could not attend because he was on tour to promote his album Scratch my back. Genesis not act in the ceremony. Phister opened the show, and continued after the speech with Anastasio No reply at all .


Canciones recomendadas :

Where the sour turns to sweet , In the beginning , Fireside song , In the wilderness , Silent sun , A winter's tale (From Genesis to revelation)

White mountain , Visions of angels , Stagnation , The knife (Trespass)

The musical box , The return of the giant Hogweed , Seven stones , The fountain of Salmacis (Nursery cryme)

Watcher of the skies , Get'em out by Friday , Can-utility and the coastliners , Horizons , Supper's ready (Foxtrot)

Dancing with the moonlit knight , I know what I like (in your wardrobe) , Firth of fifth , The battle of Epping Forest , The cinema show (Selling England by the pound)

The lamb lies down on Broadway , Fly on a windshield , In the cage , Back in N.Y.C. , Hairless heart , Counting out time , The carpet crawlers , Lilywhite Lilith , Anyway , The Lamia , The colony of slippermen , The light lies down on Broadway (The lamb lies down on Broadway)

Dance on a volcano , Entangled , Squonk , Robbery, assault and battery , Ripples... , The endos (A trick of the tail)

Match of the day , Inside and out (Spot the pigeon EP)

Eleventh earl of mar , One for the vine , Your own special way , All in a mouse's night , Blood on the rooftops , Afterglow (Wind & wuthering)

Down and out , Undertow , Ballad of big , Snowbound , Burning rope , Deep in the motherlode , Many too many , The lady lies , Follow you follow me (...And then there were three...)

Behind the lines , Duchess , Man of our times , Misunderstanding , Turn it on again , Alone tonight , Duke's travels , Duke's end (Duke)

Abacab , No reply at all , Keep it dark , Dodo/Lurker , Man on the corner , Like it or not (Abacab)

Paperlate (Three sides live)

Mama , That's all , Home by the sea , Second home by the sea , Illegal alien , Taking it all too hard , Just a job to do (Genesis)

Invisible touch , Tonight, tonight, tonight , Land of confusion , Into deep , Anything she does , Domino , Throwing it all away (Invisible touch)

No son of mine , Jesus he knows me , Driving the last spike , I can't dance , Never a time , Tell me why , Hold on my heart , Fading lights (We can't dance)

Calling all the stations , Congo , Shipwrecked , Not about us , If that's what you need , Uncertain weather (Calling all the stations)

Vídeos :

Silent sun , In the beginning y Where the sours turns to sweet , de su primer álbum From Genesis to revelation :

Silent sun - Genesis

In the beginning - Genesis

Where the sour turns to sweet - Genesis

A direct The knife and Visions of angels, the album Trespass:

The knife (live) - Genesis

Visions of angels - Genesis

Two direct for television Belgian The musical box and The fountain of Salmacis , Nursery Cryme album :

The musical box - Genesis

The fountain of Salmacis - Genesis

Watcher of the Skies , Horizons and Supper's ready into three parts, the album Foxtrot :

Watcher of the skies (live) - Genesis

Horizons - Genesis

Supper's Ready Part . 1 (live) - Genesis

Supper's Ready Part. 2 (live) - Genesis

Supper's Ready Part. 3 (live) - Genesis

Tres directos de Dancing with the moonlit knight , I know what I like (in your wardrobe) y Firth of fifth , del álbum Selling England by the pound :

Dancing with the moonlit knight (live) - Genesis

I know what I like (in your wardrobe) (live) - Genesis

Firth of fifth - Genesis

Tres directos de The lamb lies down on Broadway , Fly on a windshield y In the cage , The carpet crawlers y Back in N.Y.C. , del álbum The lamb lies down on Broadway :

The lamb lies down on Broadway (live) - Genesis

Fly on a windshield (live) - Genesis

In the cage (live) - Genesis

The carpet crawlers - Genesis

Back in N.Y.C. - Genesis

Cuatro directos de Entangled , Squonk , Robbery, assault and battery and The endoscopic , album A trick of the tail :

Entangled (live) - Genesis

Squonk (live) - Genesis

Robbery, assault and battery (live) - Genesis

Los endos (live) - Genesis

Inside and out live EP Spot The Pigeon :

Inside and out (live) - Genesis

Dos directos de Eleventh earl of mar y Afterglow , y One for the vine , del álbum Wind & wuthering :

Eleventh earl of mar (live) - Genesis

Afterglow (live) - Genesis

One for the vine - Genesis

Follow you follow me , Down and out , The burning rope , Deep in the motherlode and Many too many , album ... And Then There Were Three ... :

Follow you follow me - Genesis

Down and Out - Genesis

The burning rope - Genesis

Deep in the Motherlode - Genesis

Many too many - Genesis

Several live versions of Turn it on again , Behind the lines, Duke's travels , Duchess y Misunderstanding , del álbum Duke :

Turn it on again (live) - Genesis

Behind the lines (live) - Genesis

Duke's travels (live) - Genesis

Duchess (live) - Genesis

Misunderstanding (live) - Genesis

Tres directos de Abacab , No reply at all y Dodo / Lurker and Man on the corner , album Abacab :

Abacab (live) - Genesis

No reply at all (live) - Genesis

Dodo / Lurker (live) - Genesis

Man on the Corner - Genesis

Paperlate , song featured in the live Three sides live :

Paperlate - Genesis

Three direct Mama , Home by the sea and That's all and Illegal alien , album Genesis :

Mama (live) - Genesis

Home by the sea (live) - Genesis

That's all (live) - Genesis

Illegal Alien - Genesis

Invisible touch , Land of confusion , In too deep, and two direct Tonight, tonight, tonight y Throwing it all away , del álbum Invisible touch :

Invisible touch - Genesis

Land of confusion - Genesis

In too deep - Genesis

Tonight, tonight, tonight (live) - Genesis

Throwing it all away (live) - Genesis

No son of mine , I can't dance , Tell me why , Jesus He Knows Me , and direct Hold on my heart , from the album We Can not Dance :

No Son Of Mine - Genesis

I can not dance - Genesis

Tell me why - Genesis

Jesus He Knows Me - Genesis

Hold on my heart (live) - Genesis

direct Congo and Calling All Stations and Not about us, from the album Calling All Stations :

Congo (live) - Genesis

Calling All Stations (live) - Genesis

Not about us - Genesis

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Carpet Kits For The Bed Of A Truck


Today I share a video of Yoga Journal that explains in a didactic, clear, correct technique Adho Mukha Svanasana or facing dog below. Those who did know that sounds simple but is very difficult to do well, because it lends a lot of bad posture.
So here I leave this video, especially for students coming to classes Friday and Thursday advanced to the dynamics.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Cute Saying Or 2nd Birthday

The captain of her heart - DOUBLE

This was a well-known song in mid 80's. From their album Blue , the Swiss duo Double check this beautiful The captain of her heart :

The captain of her heart - Double

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Nick Jonas En El Hospital 2010

Aloe Blacc.

Aloe Blacc (born Egbert Nathaniel Dawkins III in 1979 in Los Angeles) is an American soul singer, rapper and musician. His first album, entitled "Shine Through", was released by Stones Throw Records in 2006.

began his career in 1995 as MC in a group of independent rap called Emanon. In the late 90's, Blacc was traveling with the tour Lootpack Europe.

His music has elements of Jazz, Soul, R & B and Hip Hop.

recorded a cover song from John Legend "Ordinary People" in English entitled "Ordinary People."

His song "I Need a Dollar" is the introductory song for the HBO show "How to Make It in America" \u200b\u200band is featured as the Single of the Week. His album entitled "Good Things" was released on September 30, 2010.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Prescchool Consultant


The Lucy Show was a band formed in London , England in early 1983. Composed by Mark Bandola (vocals, guitars, keyboards) and Rob Vandeven (vocals, bass), with Pete Barraclough (guitars, keyboards) and Bryan Hudspeth (drums) . Bandola born and raised in Winnipeg, Manitoba , Canada, and lived 6 years in Calgary, where he became a great friend of Vandeven (born Olds, Alberta , Canada ). Bandola moved to UK in 1978, studying at a school Art in London . Vandeven moved to London in 1979 after a long summer tour in England . Again soon established contact and began to work together, sharing the compositions and backing vocals equally, although most of the first songs had been written by Vandeven .

His first musical excursion London was a powerful three-member band called Midnite Movie with Bandola as main songwriter and guitarist, Vandeven on vocals and bass, and Paul Rigby on drums. In 1983 Bryan Hudspeth became the group's fixed battery and guitarist Peter Barraclough joined the band shortly afterwards. At this point own compositions began to arrive Vandeven the foreground and the quartet changed its name to The Lucy Show . The name of the band happened to Vandeven and Bandola in a bar one night, when they thought that "The Lucy Show would be a funny name for a group." A few days later Vandeven (whose mother's name is Lucy ) thought that was negative to adopt this name, but later found to be very unlikely The Lucy Show would be a great name, so they decided to adopt it for group.

In 1983 they released their first single Leonardo da Vinci , by the independent label Shout Records (for the working groups as New Model Army), which received support from John Peel . Barraclough guitarist contributed the lead vocal on the B side to the song Kill the beast . In 1984 A & M Records signed The Lucy Show, releasing two singles ( The electric dreams and History part I) and Extended Play EP , with three songs Vandeven ( Price of love , Resistance and See it goes) and a Bandola ( Is it ) during that year (with a smaller label called Piggy Bank Records), produced by Richard Mazda (Wall of Voodoo , The Fall, The Pastels ). Extended play got number 1 on the list College Radio of U.S. . See it goes was published simultaneously as a single, and Resistance was remixed for included in the debut album by the band. After sending a tape of his material to REM, The Lucy Show were invited by the band Athens to be his opening act on their 1984 UK tour.

in 1985 published A & M Ephemeral (This is not heaven) , the first single from their first LP. Bandola composed , Ephemeral masterfully juxtaposes verses recorded with guitar melodies laden with lush vocals. The B side was occupied The white space, composed by Vandeven , first song the group comparisons to inaugurate Seventeen seconds of The Cure (a band that The Lucy Show never really followed, but later discovered and enjoyed after reading these reviews and comparisons his own work). Version 12 "Ephemeral includes a recorded version of his first successful Leonardo da Vinci .

In 1985 he released his debut album Undone ... containing 11 songs, and produced by Steve Lovell ( Blur, James , Julian Cope, Railway Children) and Steve Power . With a guitar bearing the brunt of sound, a lush atmosphere that recalls melancholy sound of The Cure and Comsat Angels, received generally favorable reviews, and more importantly, eventually got the number 1 position in the album charts in CMJ U.S. .

... Undone contains other noteworthy songs like Come back to the living or Better on the hard side , an epic piece composed by Vandeven focused on a singular bass line that repeats throughout the song with a chorus of melodies involved Fiona Stephen ( Belle and Sebastian , David Byrne), who also participates in Resistance and The white space. They also highlight Remembrances, a song built around a classic style Bandola and Dream days, which closes the disc.

Momentum the band had been steady so far and, naturally, thought the chart success they would get in a short time. However, it was very great surprise when they learned that the British branch of A & M abruptly decided to withdraw its support for the band at the end of the year.

The group continued working on new material, recorded without the funding of a stamp. Received, however, the important assistance to the acclaimed British producer John Leckie ( New Order, Stone Roses , Radiohead , Trashcan Sinatras , XTC, Felt , The Fall , Ride, The Verve , Simple Minds). Bandola Vandeven and had been particularly impressed with the production of the album The Fall , The wonderful and frightening world of ... Vandeven Leckie approached with a simple cassette of his new material, and the producer was so surprised gatamente offered them to record a new album even without signing the contract. Leckie's talent to build a dense atmosphere through an intense instrumentation and effects, were a sharp contrast with the poor production and arrangements ... Undone. Leckie introduced its own recording techniques on acoustic electric guitars ( Shame). He also suggested the band other arrangements, such as the Hammond organ in A Million Things and piano in Bandola Sad September. For the band was an enriching experience, and produced a dull album, with delightful melodies punctuated with brilliant guitar chords.

In 1986, the band signed with the indie label Big Time Records ( Love & Rockets, The Dream Syndicate , Redd Kross , Jazz Butcher Conspiracy , Dumptruck, Hoodoo Gurus , Alex Chilton) , which issued its second album Mania, consisting of 10 songs, LP and CD formats (with two additional songs, Jam in E of 12 "A Million Things and Invitation of 12 "New message ). The songs were much happier than his previous work, and the sound was enriched by synthesizers, making it resemble what sounded like mid 80's new wave on wave.

The change in initial direction promised to be effective, especially when once again the album topped the CMJ important and MTV began broadcasting his music video for the album's first single, A Million Things . Both this song, as the next single message New were important successes youth radio station. In addition to these two songs, highlights The land and the life , Sun and moon and ballad Part of me now . Mania as its predecessor, was a hit on the radio juvenile United States, reaching number on their lists in 1986. The Lucy Show embarked on an extensive U.S. tour between late 1986 and early 1987 to promote the album (part of the tour made it co-led with colleagues in Big Time, Love Rockets ).

In 1987 the band opted for republishing Mania in UK . New message , who had been re-recorded in 1986 for a 12 "released in U.S. , with drummer Dave Ruffy ( Aztec Camera, The Waterboys ), replaced the original version to create a lock British LP. Ruffy and guitarist Steve Spear ( The Lotus Eaters ) toured with the group U.S. and UK to promote the album. To support the promotion of Mania, The Lucy Show recorded a 60-minute session for the BBC And a session with Janice Long in 1987.

The bad luck was primed in the band, this time when Big Time Records filed for bankruptcy, leaving the drift The Lucy Show. A Barraclough and Hudspeth asked to leave the group and Bandola Vandeven and together they released the single Wherever your heart will go in 1988 through Redhead Records in trying a touch more electronic and dance. That summer they played at the Reading Festival , but when I became aware of the limited success this single, and Bandola Vandeven decided that the group could not go ahead and dissolved.

Bandola released solo album Lovers leap (1990) and EP 'Til Tuesday (1993), both collaborations with producer Let's turn , Mitch Easter , and for a short time was a member of post-rock London, Ausgang. Currently publishes experimental pop name Typewriter, a solo project with the collaboration of several musicians guests, with three albums, Skeleton Key (2003), Birdsnest (2006) and Pictures from the antique skip in early 2010.

Rob Vandeven touched on several projects in the 90, as Tenfoot and Tidal , Trout and The Spheres . But his most ambitious musical project post- Lucy Show was Zero Zero, releasing the album Ava (1996), with contributions from Rob Lord, the bassist Karl Shale , guitarist and bassist Mick Tedder ( McAlmond & Butler), guitarist Nick Burton ( The Candyskins ), and the very Bandola . In September 2009 he published his first solo album Lost days, varied album that mixes the pop jungle, electro-pop and ballads. Barraclough appears on two songs and Bandola plays keyboards in another. It also has collaborations Darius Keeler and Danny Griffiths of the British Archive.

In 2005, Mania was reissued on CD by the label Words on Music , with several additional songs, and in 2009 ... Undone in the same format and the same label.


recommended Lyrics:

Ephemeral (This is not heaven) , Resistance, Come back to the living , The white space, Wipe out , Undone , Better on the hard side , Remembrances , Dream days , Leonardo da Vinci (...Undone)

Land and life , View from the outside , Sojourn's end , Sad september , A million things , Sun and moon , Shame , Part of me now , New message (Mania)

Wherever your heart will go (Singles)


Till' Tuesday , Defenceless (Till' Tuesday EP)


When our lost lumb returns , Channel 12 chilleer thriller , Oblivion now , Emission oblique (Skeleton key)

No explaining , Remember Daniella , Gangway (from Shadowland) , Quicksand , The lost elation part 1 , Going foreverafter , Coming to pieces (Birdsnest)

Bambino , Camelot in Smithereens , In another world , Arctic circle , In your atmosphere , Impossible beauty (Pictures from the antique skip)


Strong , First choice , Take it easy (Ava)


Cloud number nine , Lover and friend , Ships , Baby you're a star (Lost days)

Vídeos :

Ephemeral (This is no heaven) , Resistance , Come back to the living , Undone , el single Leonardo da Vinci , Published in the reissue of 2009 album, and my favorite Lucy Show, Better on the hard side , album Undone ... :

Ephemeral (This is not heaven) - The Lucy Show

Resistance - The Lucy Show

Come back to the living - The Lucy Show

Undone - The Lucy Show

Leonardo da Vinci - The Lucy Show

Better on the hard side - The Lucy Show

A million things , New message , Land and life , View from the outside , Sojourn's end , Sun and moon y Part of me now , del álbum Mania :

A million things - The Lucy Show

New message - The Lucy Show

Land and life - The Lucy Show

View from the outside - The Lucy Show

Sojourn's end - The Lucy Show

Sun and moon - The Lucy Show

Part of me now - The Lucy Show

Wherever your heart will go , last single to be released The Lucy Show:

Wherever your heart will go - The Lucy Show

Till 'Tuesday , self-titled EP Mark Bandola :

Till 'Tuesday - Mark Bandola

Arctic circle , Impossible beauty y In another world , del álbum Pictures from the antique skip de Typewriter :

Arctic circle - Typewriter

Impossible beauty - Typewriter

In another world - Typewriter

Ships , del álbum Lost days de Robert Vandeven :

Ships - Robert Vandeven