Thursday, February 3, 2011

Caramel Highlights For Dark Hair

Importance of external rotation of the arm to bend beyond 90 degrees

Flexion of the arm is done when you get up to the front, from the sides of the trunk to the sides of the head. Many yoga postures make this move, but the shoulder structure is necessary to take into account some detail s, if we do not attend can cause injury.

Shoulder consists of three bones: the scapula, humerus and clavi macula.

addition of flexion, extension, abduction (opening) and adduction (closing), the rotation arm has external and internal. External rotation by turning the humerus in the axis outward, and internal rotation is the opposite, the humerus rotates on its axis inward toward the trunk.
The rotation is performed by the cuff rotator, which is a thick tendon s or constitutional or gone out the opinions of 4 mu muscles: e l supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor and subscapularis, that cover the shoulder in front, behind and in the uppermost part and its function is to help lift and rotate the bra zo in all directions and in turn, is a stabilizer shoulder.

Pinched h om bro: The rotator cuff is located between the head of the humerus and the acromion n (which is like the roof of the shoulder) sliding freely between these two structures there is a sac called synovial bursa which helps it slide easy. to 90 degrees of flexion of the arm, this tendon has sufficient space between the head of the humerus and the acromion, but after 90 degrees external rotation is necessary to make way for the supraspinatus tendon, which otherwise are trapped between the structures listed above and progressively degenerates. At first there is a tendinitis (inflammation) that evolves into a partial tear, and the empowerment you to a total rupture of the tendon, this narrowing is called shoulder impingement.

This image shows the bending of 180 degrees, internal rotation and elevation of the shoulder blades. If this movement is performed repeatedly, it is quite possible shoulder injury:

Whenever the position we take, in the practice of yoga in everyday life, requires a flex upper arm at 90 degrees, you need to perform external rotation, rotating the humerus out on its axis, and we have to keep the blades away from ears to avoid injury.

Examples of yoga postures in which there is flexion of the arm above 90 degrees and therefore require external rotation are:

Svanasana Adho mukha or downward facing dog.

Vriksasana the tree.

Urdhva hastasana, arms above his head.

Chakrasana the wheel.

Virabhadrasana I.


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