Monday, February 7, 2011
The Ultimate Element Crossword Answers

The primary purpose of meditation is not to stop the thoughts, but a process of finding serenity and inner harmony. integral meditation has three stages.
First moment: release the tensions and negative aspects of the mind to fill it with peace
Through the practice of some techniques you can develop a sense of inner peace meditation on the idea of \u200b\u200bpeace and liberation. Is through concentration on the breath is called 'prana'. The breath is breath that comes from the word 'spiritus' and that means the inner spirit. One can be conscious of his mind by the experience of profound peace, one can feel like a free soul of all that is negative. This is the first step of meditation, feel the fresh internal flow within the head and the outflow from the experience of the warmth inside the nostrils.
By focusing, freshness promotes absorption of peace in the subconscious and experience the warmth of the external flow helps release tension from the mind, ie the negative side.
Second stage: develop a sense of our spiritual identity
The self, the sense of individuality of our consciousness, suffers from its identity with the body, such as seen through
Another cause of suffering is caused by the aspect of self that identifies with his personality, this is the ego and pride. When a person gives much importance to what you know, when you have a strong identity with their environment or the family name or your college degree falls to have many vanities. For example, say I'm an Uruguayan which is different from saying I'm Argentine and Brazilian predominant national identity, even when they say I am Catholic which is different from saying I am a Protestant . So, feel the weight of the different identities that has the self, id, the ego has to direct your focus and do turn to their spiritual source that can be called God or Christ such as own preferences.
So goes this sense of identity through sound vibration, as is the continuous repetition of a group of words is called mantra . The word mantra comes from two roots, 'man' comes from manas which means conscious and 'work' comes from 'trad' which means to furrow grabar.AsÃ, 'mantra' means making peace grooves, liberation or spiritual identity in the mind.
This second step is to repeat a mantra mental and continuously generating and a sound vibration. For example, the mantra S Ohama. "So" means the eternal spirit, infinite, universal and transcendental, ie, God without form. "Ham" means I'm from, I'm in, I'm one to. So the meaning is "I am one with you." While replaying, it feels a sacred presence in the heart and sense of belonging to this source.
This mantra can also be in another language for example if you have a spiritual identity with Christ, which in Catholicism is seen as God repeats Jesus Christ, Jesus with the internal flow of inhalation and Christ with the external flow as you exhale.
Third time: make furrows for three main claims
The first statement is my body is your temple , and as he pronounces it must feel harmonious flow throughout the body, a sense of health, feeling like we were inside a chapel in the tabernacle of the spirit.
The second statement is repeated my mind is your altar , feeling a light in the mind, a light of wisdom that can be represented symbolically the altar of God within our minds. The mind is deficient primary instincts that limit, so the intention is to purify and awaken our spiritual awareness.
The third claim is my soul is your home . Alma in yoga means heart, as in Catholicism, but is a pure heart, not revenge, "and its content is the image of God in spirit and yoga means that it feels like a fullness of pure love. The content of our soul is pure love and pure love is the image of God, pure love is the fullness of the word 'ananda' means.
Excerpted from an interview with Radio Swami Shivapremananda in Uruguay. Montevideo, 1999.
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