The main aim of yoga is to achieve unity between our physical, mental and spiritual. When we drive the body that is healthy, the mind remains lucid and serene, and our spirit is manifest in the form of peace and fulfillment. From that state to achieve unity with the people around us and with the Divine exists in everything.
To achieve this unity is necessary regular sadhana, ie constant practice. That is why Swami Niranjan gave what he called the "yogic capsule," referring the remedy that should be taken daily to be healthy and at peace.
keep these capsules yogic more accessible to implement the practice of yoga in everyday life. Expanding
can see the following image in question.

Saraswati Swami Niranjanananda Rajnandgaon born in 1960 and joined the Bihar School of Yoga, Munger (Bihar) in 1964. He was initiated in 1970 by Dashnami Sannyasa his teacher Swami Satyananda Saraswati. In 1971 he began to travel around the world establishing Ashrams and centers Yoga in Europe, Australia and America.
In 1990 he was initiated as a Paramahamsa Sannyasin and in 1993 appointed as the successor of Swami Satyananda Saraswati.
Niranjanananda Swami has guided the activities of Bihar School of Yoga, Sivananda Math and Yoga Research Foundation since 1983. In 1994 he founded the Bihar Yoga Bharati, an institute of advanced yogic studies and the Bal Yoga Mitra Mandal movement that introduces children to yoga.
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