Children, established in sakshi bhava is
Our main problem is that we easily identify with all
in a negative mood can be angry, and when you're relaxed, you feel full of peace and love toward others. Actually you should not identify with those moods, because they are transient. Imagine you have a home and family, and also a beautiful dog and a cat. If someone asked: "Who owns that house?", What would you answer? "It's my home." And you would say the same about your car, your family, your cat and your dog. They are all yours. However, you are not, or could identify with any of your belongings. They are different from you. The house is yours, but you are not
The mind and thoughts come and go, are unrealistic and inconsistent, are ephemeral as the clouds of heaven and the waves. They can not affect your consciousness. Beyond the surface, your consciousness remains pure and intact. This Pure Consciousness, which is eternally aware of what's happening is the witness, the Sakshi of all things.
Settling in sakshi bhava is always remain conscious. Only be fully awake, fully aware, the state can be achieved sakshi bhava.
Learn to be what you want in life, but at the same time, learn the art of laying flat aware at all times. Sakshi bhava can be both a practical as a permanent state.
Extracted from the book: Awaken, Children!, Conversations with Amma. Edited by Mata Amritanandamayi Mission Trust.
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