Yoga is essentially a way of life. His knowledge encompasses all aspects of human being: physical and mental health, self-knowledge, how to achieve personal goals and inner fulfillment, how to live in the world and interact with the environment, knowledge of the spiritual aspect and awakening to his true eternal nature, which gives freedom.
to experience yoga in its entirety is necessary to study and examine the theoretical base that supports it. Knowing the theory, practice is enriched, the asanas, pranayama, meditation, no longer merely technical and take a sacred character.
By the theory began to be aware of the real dimension Yoga: Yoga is the end and means. As the Union's view, the integration of human beings in their physical, mental, spiritual and social, as a medium is the techniques to be implemented develop the state of Yoga.
Content to be developed:
- What is Yoga?
- Yoga Objectives
- Source Yoga
- Paths of Yoga: Karma, Bhakti, Jnana, Raja, Hatha.
- Macrocosm and microcosm. Evolution of the elements.
- Gunas. Qualities of nature.
- the individual conscience: Manas (mind), Ahamkara (ego), Buddhi (intellect).
- Tattvas: the five elements.
- The three bodies of human beings.
- The five sheaths of the soul.
- human energy anatomy:
- nadis, channels of energy. Ida, Pingala-Sushumna.
- Chakras: function, symbolism, psychology of each.
- Classical Yoga. Patanjali. Definition of Yoga
- . Chitta
- Vritti, the causes of changes of mind. Chitta
- Vikshepa, distractions and obstacles in the path of Yoga.
- Sadhana, the importance of practice and detachment.
- Ashtanga Yoga: the eight steps to achieve the state of Yoga. Yogic Ethics
- : Yama and Niyama
- Asanas: postures. The body strength. Relationship between mind and body.
- Pranayama: the importance of breathing properly. Prana, the subtle energy. Value prana and mind.
- Pratyahara: introspection of the senses of perception.
- Dharana: concentration.
- Dhyana: meditation.
- Samadhi integration. Concept of liberation. Moksha. Karma and Reincarnation
- The philosophy of the OM. Om as bhakti, Jnana, Raja and Karma Yoga.
- Power.
Day: every Saturday. Beginning in March.
Time: 11:00 to 12:30
Location: Yoga-Marga School, 689 Hortiguera the 3rd C.
Contribution: $ 10 per class. The proceeds are donated to the Parish
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