Maha Mantra or Hare Krishna Mantra
This mantra has the power to awaken new Conci stra spiritual gum and raise the level of pure love. Pure love is the only solution to many problems of human existence that seemingly have no solution.
Where everything has been tried, now we invite you to seriously test this transcendental sound. I can repeat in meditation, recite or sing softly aloud. There are no rules or regulations for chanting this mantra.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Hare Krishna
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Hare Rama Hare
The meaning of this mantra is: Oh my Lord, please make me an instrument of your love.
To take initiation into the chanting of this Maha Mantra of a genuine spiritual master, you will get the highest benefit of human life.
Krishna resides in your heart. Call him and he will come to their aid.
Maha Mantra Meditation in the
The word mantra comes from two Sanskrit words: mana, which means mind and tra, which means free. In other words, a mantra is a sound vibration that helps to liberate our minds from the suffering and anxieties due to the influence material.
The mantra is a means to fix the mind, calm and send waves of peace and harmony. The mantras are usually drawn from sacred texts like the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Puranas. All the mantras and all processes for self-realization are encapsulated in the Maha Mantra Hare Krishn a. Moreover, the Lord Chaitanya established this mantra or chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord, as the process of self recommended for this age.
The advent of Lord Chaitanya, was predicted more than 5.000 years ago in the shastras (scriptures). Defined directly as an incarnation of Krishna, the yuga-avatara or incarnation {avatar} responsible for this was to reestablish the principles of dharma { religious duty that I take you to the self}).
The transcendental vibration is established by the chanting of Hare Krishna Maha Mantra is the sublime method for reviving our original consciousness. The song is a call to the Lord and His Spiritual Energy that will provide protection to the conditioned soul. Hare
"OH! MY LORD supreme attraction, source of all pleasure, OH! SPIRITUAL POWER OF THE LORD PLEASE engage me AT YOUR SERVICE WITH DEVOTION "
The chanting of the Holy Name or Hare Krishna Maha Mantra can be done in two ways: One, whether silent, whisper or aloud, and collective or congregational singing, which can be sometimes accompanied with musical instruments. When is a personal meditation, chanting recommended Hare Krishna Maha Mantra in a string of 108 beads called japa (Pronounced yapa), made especially for this purpose. In each account is repeated in full the Hare Krishna Maha Mantra .
The Maha Mantra should be out very carefully and as written (except
Repeat this Maha Mantra also has another advantage is that you can sing anywhere, at any time of day, riding the bus or in a plane. The only condition is faith to sing. When you have only 5 minutes or when you are sad or bored by something or someone, start to repeat the mantra aloud or mentally, if necessary, and immediately you will turn away from the noise and your thoughts will become more clear.

Chanting the holy name of Lord is not only an act of faith and hope, but also the act of connecting scientific of automatically linked with
1. Clean Heart.
2. Turn off the fire of material existence in material consciousness transforming consciousness is spirituality.
3. It allows us to savor the taste at every step higher.
4. PREMA grants or Divine Love.
As living souls are spiritual in nature, at first we are God-conscious entities, but due to our relationship with material nature since time immemorial, our consciousness is now adulterated by the sensual atmosphere. The material atmosphere, which is that we are acting today, it is called Maya or illusion, Maya means "what is not." And what is illusion? We are all trying to be masters in this world, when in fact we are in the clutches of their strict laws. If a servant is artificially to imitate the all-powerful master, and ment is called illusion. We are trying to exploit the resources of material nature, but in fact, we are increasingly entangled in her complexities. Therefore, although we are engaged in an uphill struggle to win nature, we have become, however, dependent on it. This illusory struggle trying to exploit material nature can be stopped immediately if revival of our eternal Krishna consciousness. sing Hare Krishna is the transcendental process for restoring the original pure consciousness. By chanting this vibration can clean releasing fears and doubts of our hearts.
This chanting of mantra Hare Krishna is a sound vibration that emanates from the spiritual plane, and therefore surpasses all lower strata of consciousness, ie the sensual, mental and intellectual. Accordingly, it is necessary to understand the language of the mantra, nor need any mental speculation nor any intellectual adjustment for chanting this Maha Mantra. Everything spiritual is included, then comes the transcendental and therefore anyone can take the edge without requiring any previous quality.
The continuous repetition of Maha Mantra or exercise is a practice common in many spiritual frameworks: The shared communal feeling that characterizes the songs in chorus raises the level of awareness of participants and stimulates the formation of deep spiritual ties to the congregation. Both individuals and groups benefit from the act of singing, it elevates the mind to a level of devotion that the preparation for meditation.
Singing for a few moments before recite the Maha Mantra in meditative attitude is a simple and effective method of channeling the excess negative energy in the right direction, because all the songs are expansions of Maha Mantra. Many people feel awkward at the beginning or uncomfortable when you start singing exercises, but then, individuals from the most diverse and most diverse attitudes, they are wonderfully transformed by that experience, it is something that requires very little effort and gives much in return. It does not take even a great singer or meditator to experience the warmth and love that are derived from the simple phrases sing with devotion.
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