By definition, peace is a state of calm, a sense of harmony, an experience of tranquility. However, peace is essentially a consequence of a philosophy of life in which one is at peace with himself and the world. Is the result of how we manage our ego to maintain relationships with others, as we face our expectations and desires. Real peace is not achieved through renunciation, but through an embodiment of ideals, otherwise it is confused with mental opacity or indifference. It is a cultivated inner serenity through a deep understanding of life and sublimation of the passions, by a sense of identity spiritual.
Peace is the product of spiritual assurance, psychological and physical. Security can not be found but never self-centeredness in the integrity and balanced perspective, altruism and compatibility of values \u200b\u200bwithin a relationship. Safety lies in the ability to love, in an action carried out meticulously, in a job well done, a thoroughly accomplished responsibility. The result is a so-called peace spiritual satisfaction.
Life is not static but continuous movement, and movement is due both to the demands of the circumstances and the ambition or the stimulus of desire or lack. Peace is a pause, not just rest but to feel the meaning in the movement of life. As such, peace is creative only when it is sensitive to movement in love and compassion, effort and aspiration, care and understanding. If just resting, it becomes boring when it is prolonged. Movement without an experience of its meaning is concerned, peace without sensitivity is laziness.
Peace is not a virtue in itself but a vital necessity to recover from mental and emotional activity, and to drink water to quench their thirst. However, life can not hold onto something subtle such as peace, the same way that you can not live only water. Peace is a result of complying with their own spiritual goals. The individual can not grow without struggle and society can not progress without challenges. If you are looking to avoid the challenge and is not facing the problems of life, the result can be mental inertia, insensitivity and egotism.
Peace, to be spiritually refreshing and effective, can never be continuous, both individually and collectively. All that is said about the eternal and permanent peace is not just a comfortable thought. It may be forever in peace only when you are dead! Although the absence of war and the awareness of inner peace are desirable goals, the ferment individual and social media sometimes nature to renew itself and grow.
peace Some personal meanings are:
1) Security spiritual as a religious faith, not fanciful but faith belief in the power of the spiritual ideals that give strength conviction and, therefore, self-confidence. Such faith is completely free from dogma because it is a continuing search for the truth of what one wants and loves. The belief, so that it is a conformity of the masses or unproductive thinking of fantasy, has to be inspired by the love of the ideal it represents. Its realization brings peace until the mere fact of being involved with it.
2) Security psychological, as in the understanding and discipline of desire or ambition, so we learn to relate to our desires with the requisite capacity and effort, to relate our expectations with the knowledge of human nature and what we are willing to give for it, and try to live by the philosophy that doing what we believe and love is enough reward in itself, rather than the outcome itself. However, no action should be separated from its result because what else can one know if something has been done right?
3) Emotional security is achieved in the health of the ego not being burdened with an excessive sense of self, to be free of hatred and resentment, not to suffer the dependence of infatuation. It is the selfishness that destroys love and, therefore, internal wholeness. Love turns himself in self-pity and so there is no inner peace. Love is not only willing, but also share, share what we value and what we aspire materially spiritually. In this support is emotional security.
Some basic meanings of collective or social peace are:
1) Security justice, or the law based on equity, which means freedom from fear of violence permissive or impulsive, or demagoguery of one group over other groups, or exploitation of the weak by the powerful. Social peace is the result of easy access to justice, promptness, impartiality and effectiveness for all those involved.
2) Economic security, or lack of abject poverty and livelihood insecurity material. The dogmatic insistence on the distribution of wealth distribution quickly becomes pointless without productivity or innovation, or work ethic and good governance. These may not materialize as if by magic but by universal education vocational applications, encouraging and motivating talented forward with a suitable reward.
3) Security rights, educate people to equate the rights of others to themselves, to cultivate a sense of duty and responsibility, effectively making an honest work are evident in the public service, resulting in good governance and democratic institutions. It is a fundamental right of citizens to have an efficient administration and integrity, as otherwise the social peace would inevitably disturbed.
Author: Swami Shivapremananda. Excerpted from his book Integral Yoga
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