1. When you're wondering what to do, consider how your actions will benefit mankind.
2. Progress is achieved when the mind remains calm, before the glory or the ridicule, honor or dishonor.
3. Communication begins when fully understand the point of view of others.
4. If you can not speak with respect and love, wait till you can.
5. When you grieve for someone, you are hurting everyone and your self.
6. If someone does something you consider really offensive, see if you are doing something similar to someone else or yourself.
7. Marks an encounter with God everyday, and consider the highest priority.
8. Practice to withdraw attention from the objects of perception (causing desires).
9. Balance your life with Jnana Yoga (knowledge), Karma Yoga (action) and Bhakti Yoga (devotion).
10. Talking excessively increases the mental turmoil, wastes energy and silences the voice of God within.
11. Daily reads a passage from the teachings of your master.
12. Establishes a plan for your sadhana (spiritual practice) and do it as honestly as possible.
13. Take advantage of quiet hours of the morning to do meditation and prayers.
14. Do not apologize only when you hurt somebody, take the decision to never do the same to anyone.

Amriteshwaryai Om Namaha!
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