are the "don'ts" and "abstentions." enunciate a program of events should not be done. point to something positive and with Niyama, are the moral and ethical foundation of Yoga.
They are oriented exclusively towards peace of mind, the desapacionamiento and breaking the chain to the wheel of samsara (incarnation and death). tend, primary and ultimate, the realization of Self, isolated and perfect consciousness of himself.
Moreover, all the bans have an indirect social impact: while serving to improve the individual also transform society and the environment.
Ahimsa. not damaged.
II, 35. "Who is firmly established in the no harm, away from all enmity itself."
is a Universal law of love, a deep feeling of sympathy and peace to all that lives.
This attitude is based on the recognition of the sacredness of life: "God dwells in the hearts of all beings" (Bhagavad Gita, 18, 61).
Undoubtedly society has a right to defend itself. Krishna reminds Arjuna strongly the duty of the warrior fighting against the unjust aggressor.
Every individual can and must enforce their rights through fair and honest judges. What is prohibited is the inner feeling, is hatred in the heart.
Nonviolence has nothing to do with the weakness or cowardice. is the act of someone who has every chance to resist violently, but chooses to oppose evil good, convinced that this is the only way to achieve the realization of Self and harmonious development of society.
The violent injures himself, it poisons your mind and your heart, open a spiral that has no purpose other than total destruction.
Nonviolence generates the removal of all animosity. Kindness is contagious. A heart overflowing with peace radiates peace to others.
success is not always manifested in the moment, there may be partial defeats. Christ, and in our time, Gandhi, Luther King, John Kennedy, died victims of hate. However their example and their words are encouraging many to be the only hope for the future of humanity.
Satya. Truth.
II, 36. "He who is firmly established on the accuracy assures his words a result infallible
The truth, satya, etymologically and philosophically linked with being (sat). who captures what is true is beyond appearances.
Truth is the correspondence between thought, word and what has been heard, seen, deducted. Truth is what we feel and feel what we say. But it is also an agreement between what one is and what it should be. This is done when the self that is manifested is the reflection of the inner self tuned on the ego ideal, the goal of efforts towards liberation. is what is expressed with the words authenticity, integrity, accomplishment.
Lying is directly contrary to the purpose of Yoga. cause anxiety, suspicion, anguish. confuse the mind, from seeing the essence of things and is directly opposed to enlightenment.
Who does the truth in their thoughts, words and actions without deviating despite the inconveniences that may arise is in God, is based on the stable, which does not disappoint or deceive. It becomes a real, authentic, which will capture the real and the other in a life without masks or Fictions.
A Sometimes the sincere words can be harmful to others. Avoid a word for the truth if it serves no good and useful purposes. Before the tongue can speak, must have lost the power to hurt.
who's words become true power-filled words, full of creative force.
Asteya. not steal.
II, 37. "He who is firmly established in the not steal all the treasure is within your reach."
There are many ways to steal, direct and indirect. It steals not fulfilling their duties, not giving back a thank you to who has done good, and appropriating of honors, titles, privileges that belong to others.
is an inner attitude that refuses to make material goods the end of life.
Brahmacharya. Continence.
II, 38. "He who is firmly established in continence get energy."
specifically indicates the resignation the sensual pleasures for
current fed power before the sexual impulse, which was running, now goes to the brain and supports the higher activity of the soul.
Aparigraha. not possess.
II, 39. "He who is firmly established in not having to wake up to how and why of life."
is literally non-greed, lack of greed and generates the abstention of desire to possess.
The humble, inwardly detached from anything that might prevent a correct view, wake up to the values \u200b\u200bthat give meaning to life: to be, rather than owning, give more than preserve; live the here and now, to remember the past or worrying about the future.
are the rules. All Yoga ethics, summarized in the Ten Commandments of Yama and Niyama, is targeting a well-defined purpose: to weaken the negative instincts, creating good habits that allow control of the mind and the emergence of that clarity of insight that mark the end of the bond that unites the Spirit to matter.
Saucha. Cleaning.
II, 40. "Cleanliness of body and mind develops disinterest in contact with others for self-gratification"
physical and mental cleansing tends to make a fair attitude towards the body of ours and others.
As a fundamental principle is all good, all the atom to the stars, is the vehicle of the Divine life. body also their psychophysical levels is a necessary instrument in the service of the soul. Unfortunately becomes an obstacle when it is neglected and when it worships.
external beauty, are impurities and weaknesses. who puts all his hopes on the body itself and the other will necessarily be frustrated and disappointed.
meeting must find a soul to soul, you have to go the "house of being" where the spirit speaks to spirit, which never reaches the separation, nor disease, nor sorrow, nor death.
41. "From mental purity derived from the brightness of the intellect, cheerfulness of mind, concentration, control of senses and ability to look at the self."
is the constant effort to remove stains of pride, jealousy, envy, sensuality and practice of friendship, kindness, humility. is a mental and spiritual health in order to eliminate the evil tendencies and replace them with good. should be selected readings, discussions, entertainment, feelings, avoiding what could have a negative impact. need to tune into the positive vibrations around us or that spring from the depths of the soul. This needs self-control, constant scrutiny of the actions, an atmosphere of meditation.
Santosha. Contento.
II, 42. "From contentment and benevolence of consciousness arises the supreme happiness"
Santosha is peace in the heart. is a state of inner calm regardless of the circumstances of life.
What matters is the calm and tranquility in the heart, you see all the events from an optimistic perspective, not discouraged against trusting momentary failures providential designs that govern the development of life.
One enters the happiness when it comes out of selfishness.
Tapas. Austerity.
II, 43. "of austerity, the destruction of the impurities, perfection the body and senses. "
Tapas is originally the fire, heat that is experienced as a result of an effort. Hence broad, self-discipline, asceticism, austerity. This rule allows the body to be fully functional and can withstand the immobility, be indifferent to the different climatic conditions, hunger, thirst, and all pairs of opposites.
Svadhyaya. Study.
II, 44. "The study, union with the Divine
is not just a pile of curiosities, cultural data, scientific or technical, but a "sacred reading."
This fervor encourage careful reading is necessary for progress on the path and reach its aims. Through her transformation will take place that makes one able to reflect on things and trying to capture the essence of events deeper, beyond appearances. will emerge gradually, the ability to see everything in more transparency and the individual himself.
is "self-study" another svadhyaya literal translation, made of existential way, we can hear the transcendental vibration within ourselves and connect with the personal deity (Ishta Devata) by the repetition of mantras.
Pranidhana Isvara. Delivery God.
II, 45. "From the dedication to God, the perfection of Samadhi"
Mr. Surrender means recognizing him as mobile and home of all actions. It also means think of it as being more precious and dear in life, aim at it and stay as closely connected to it. In return, the Lord exchanged gifts with his devotees and gives them the clarity of his thought and provided all encompassing. ----------------------------------------------
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Excerpts from "Classical Yoga" Walter Gardini, Ed Hastinapura.
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