Yoga Chitta Vritti Nirodha .
Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind.
Yoga is a challenge and a discipline that keeps the body-in all its levels, in optimum condition, aimed at achieving the serenity necessary to achieve spiritual elevation. Nothing less ...
is the discipline that leads to the integration of body, mind and emotions, and connects us in harmony with all energies around us ....
Yoga (yug, in Sanskrit) means union.
black-white good-bad, positive-negative light shade rather bad-beautiful-ugly-strong-weak fool intelligent high-success-failure on big-little-top-down within out long-short north-south here-right-left beyond pleasure-pain devil-god true-false right-left-right ser-no/ser moral-immoral unjust political and apolitical healthy right-wrong-patient, honest love-hate faithful-unfaithful dishonest thin-fat pure-impure-unit polarity
Perhaps things are not two, but one. Is not it precisely the existence of one, which gives existence to the other? Only in the mind, in the words and concepts is that the opposite may have its own independent life. By denying those unwanted poles, away from make them disappear, only look, because only banished from our consciousness, we removed them from our sight but not actually remove ....
release or evolution or development, does not consist in getting rid of the "negative" from "bad", but freedom from the opposed pairs.
Yoga consists of 8 parts or members:
The first two parts (Yamas and Niyamas ) are guidelines of conduct, standards of conduct and ethical principles and philosophical fairly consistent and reasonable, almost common sense. Some, however, be "translated" into the 21st century and adapt to our world a little Western ...
YAMA Cultivate the organs of action so they can work properly. Ethical principles are linked to our universal relations:
- Nonviolence (Ahimsa ). Introspection required to replace negative thoughts and actions with more constructive.
- Truth, Truthfulness (Satya ).
- Honesty, "not taking what is not belongs to us, being freed from greed ( Asteya ).
- Chastity (Brahmacharya ).
- No greed, no desire what we have, detachment ( Aparigraha ).
Niyama . bodies Civilizations and senses of perception. Auto-observation. Codes of conduct. Self-purification through discipline:
- Cleaning / purity of mind and body ( Sauca ).
- Happy with what we have ( Santosa).
- Fervor on the road. Total surrender to the desire for spiritual perfection. Austerity (Tapas ).
- Study I ( Svadhayaya ).
- Offering all the thoughts and acts of God ( Isvarapranidhana ).
Asanas Postures . Irrigate every body cell. Physical postures that are able to obtain a better energy balance, psychological, physical, spiritual and emotional. Through postures increase the elasticity, strength and muscle strength and in particular its ability to relax, increasing joint mobility.
PRANAYAMA Channels energy. It is the rhythmic and voluntary control of breathing. Pranayama is a divine fire that purifies the organs, senses, mind and intellect.
Prana are the physical energy, mental, intellectual, sexual and spiritual covering the entire Universe. Pranayama The practice of pranic energy generated through breathing and develops a steady mind, a trial firm and solid willpower. Through Pranayama techniques are favored attention and awareness to help to see life with clarity and joy. Creates vitality, improves concentration and memory.
Pratyahar Mutes the senses. Control the mind and removes impurities. Withdrawal and emancipation of the mind, from the domination of the senses and sense objects or sensory.
Dharana Clean the veil covering intelligence as a bridge between mind and inner consciousness. Concentration or complete attention.
DHYANA Integra intelligence. Meditation. Meditation is the creative process that makes possible the transformation of the constraints inherent in our human nature. Leads you into the realm of the possible .
SAMADHI Dissolution. Absorption. The state in which the candidate is one with the object of his meditation with a sense of peace and deep joy. The rivers of intelligence and consciousness flow into the ocean of the soul.
Yoga is not something we can think of is something you have to be. Is existential, experimental, experiential.
Yoga The eight parts of the blend and, without an order in particualr, are gradually playing your whole being. Each and every one of them the can be integrated into your own life as your own conscience allows. Yoga is ultimately cosmic consciousness ...
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