To start any business in life we \u200b\u200bneed the preliminary steps. In the yoga system are two essential first steps made by the principles and Niyama Deyama or ethical foundation. Without it, we will build our house upon the sand and we risk falling back instead of progressing.
The first requirement is to learn to face ourselves, with our internal and external powers. If we must try to overcome shortcomings, while certain basic potential to be developed.
Yama, the first step in Raja Yoga means to contain, constrain. His first principle is ahimsa, literally can not insulting, non-violence and refers not only to our external actions but also our internal disposition.
usually means Ahimsa something like not to kill. Indeed, this is also its meaning but also involves a number of strengths and special gifts. Most of us do not go out to the street with the intention of killing anyone, but we violate the principle of Ahimsa with a word, a rude gesture or a thought of hatred.
intolerance, sudden reactions to the conduct of another, the usual lack of restraint, and even cowardice, are other ways of denying Ahimsa. If we are unable to cope with a situation and avoid the problem, although apparently an act of 'non-violence' becomes reality in the denial of Ahimsa. Resisting evil prevents violence in the world (...).
(...) Gandhi said: "Whenever society where there is injustice we must resist and build a powerful front to oppose this ignominy in the life ".
Ahimsa is not cowardice or weakness, and is related to the law of love. does not mean that a man sitting and remain apathetic hurt a fly, while violence shelters in your heart. Violence in the heart is the worst of all and their consequences are more severe than those caused by physical damage. The evil plots behind the other, the gossip, the damage by indirect means, are all forms of violence much greater than the physical injury. Ahimsa not mean meek submission to any abuse because it is legitimate to resist evil with all our strength but feel hatred or bitterness in our hearts.
Two principles were closely linked to Ahimsa. Are daya or compassion and karuna or mercy. Our attitude towards all creation should be merciful, compassionate, tolerant and loving spontaneous. We should not believe that our way of thinking and doing is the gospel truth while criticizing what others do with self-sufficiency. There are many examples of erroneous interpretation of Ahimsa: I know the fanaticism of some vegetarians lost in details of vitamins and calories that showed so much intolerance peers thought that if they had been leaders, life would have been terrible. Ahimsa
is an indirect expression of the principles of love. Why should we be nonviolent? Because our lives are integrated in a common spiritual awareness. "If I am violent to you, I'm really violent with me same. "
addition to this spiritual law also physically hurt us, because when a person is angry his whole body is poisoned, the glands emit secretions that affect the entire body.
And not only the body is affected. Violence hurts us mentally. The man with love in his heart feels peace wounds suffered while your mind is unhappy and restless. The third factor to consider is that the lawlessness of Ahimsa in turn leads to violent reactions, not only suffer because our own behavior but, on the physical plane, the antagonist will return violence with violence. In this reciprocal relationship, a harsh word will bring another and then another even worse, friendship is destroyed, it generates bitterness, hatred and just on the physical plane is vitiated human relationships.
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