Swami Vivekananda

1) Pleasure is not the goal of man, but knowledge that is inherent to it. Good and evil have a similar participation in the formation of character. The word karma is derived Sanskrit kri, which means do, every action is karma. Technically, this word also means the effects of actions. In connection with metaphysics expresses sometimes the effects of which our past actions were the causes. But in the karma yoga just have to treat the word karma to mean action. The goal of mankind is knowledge, this is the only ideal set before us by Eastern philosophy. The goal of man is not pleasure but knowledge. The pleasure and happiness in the end. It's a mistake to suppose that pleasure is the goal, the cause of all the miseries we have in the world is that men think, foolishly, that pleasure is the ideal to be achieved. After some time the man is not what you are looking for happiness but knowledge, that pleasure and pain are great teachers and learning of both good and evil. Passing the pleasure and pain to the individual soul, she left on different images and the result of these combined impressions is what is called "character." If you consider the character of any man will notice that only a cluster of trends, the total sum of the inclinations of his mind, will find that misery and happiness are also factors that weigh in the formation of that character. Good and evil have similar involvement in shaping the character and sometimes unhappiness is better teacher than happiness. Studying the great characters that world has produced, I dare say, in most cases, we would find that the misfortune has taught more than happiness, poverty that taught more than wealth and that setbacks were more than praise what inflamed his inner fire.
2) The infinite library of the universe is in the mind. The law of gravitation and Newton. All temporal or spiritual knowledge is in the mind. Any mental or physical shock received by the ego is karma. However, this knowledge is inherent in man, no knowledge comes from outside it's all inside. When we say that a man "knows" should say, in strict psychological language, they "discover" or "reveals" what a man "learns" is really what he "discovered" by removing the sheaths that cover his soul, which is a mine of infinite knowledge. We say Newton discovered gravitation. Do you find this sitting in a corner waiting for?
was in his own mind, the moment came and found suitable. All knowledge that the world has received comes from the mind, the infinite library of the universe is in your own mind. The external world is only the suggestion, the occasion, which makes you study your own mind but the object of your study is always your own mind. The fall of an apple gave the suggestion to Newton and he studied his own mind, put in order all the previous links of thought in his mind and discovered a new one between them, which we call the law of gravitation. It was not in the block or anything in the center of the earth. Therefore, any temporal or spiritual knowledge is the human mind. In many cases it is not discovered but remains hidden when the veil is slowly lifted, saying that "we are learning, and advancement in knowledge is made under this step in the process of discovery. The man who goes lifting the veil is the most known, that in maintaining dense, is ignorant, and who has managed to remove entirely all-knowing, all-knowing. Men have been omniscient and I think there are many more yet, and there will be thousands of them in future cycles. Knowledge exists in the mind like fire in the flint, the suggestion is the friction that makes it sprout. The same goes for all our feelings and actions, smiles and tears, joys and sorrows, laughter and groans, curses and blessings, praise and blame - if we study quietly to ourselves, we see that have emerged in many other impacts caused by . The result is what we are, to all All these impacts are called karma -work action. Each hit mental and 'physical given to the ego by which we can say the spark occurs, and for which he discovers his own power and knowledge, is karma, using the word in its broadest sense, so therefore all We are continually producing karma. I'm talking about, that's karma. You hear, that's karma. breathe, that's karma. walk, is karma. All what we do, physically or mentally, is karma and leave their mark on us.
3) To judge the character of a man there to watch him in his great deeds, but when you run its common shares. There are certain movements that are like the aggregate, the sum total of a large number of smaller pulses. If we approach the seashore and hear the waves crashing against the rocks we seem to hear a great noise, and yet we know that a wave is made, really, millions and millions of tiny waves, each of which makes a noise that we do not However we do not perceive; only hear when you fall into that great mass. Similarly, every heartbeat is a way of acting, certain ways of powering the feel and made tangible to us and are, however, adding a small amount of shares. If you wish to really judge the character of a man not observe his great deeds. Any fool can become a hero at a time. Behold a man when you run its common shares, these are, indeed, which I will reveal the true character of a great man. Rise to special occasions at the lowest of human beings to some kind of greatness, but only really great man whose character is always great, is always the same, wherever you are.
4) The nature and karma. Karma in its effect on the character, is the most formidable power that man has to face. The man is, say, a center and is bringing it all the powers of the universe, in the center blends them all again and emits a powerful stream. This center is the real man , the omnipotent, omniscient, and attracts to itself the entire universe, good and evil, happiness and suffering, he runs around and gathers around him, and thus powerful modeling current trends called character and throws it outside. And has the power to attract all, also has the power to issue it.
5) Everything you see in the world is the unfolding of thought and expression of the will of man. The will of a huge Buddha or a Jesus can not be explained by the theory of heredity. All actions we see in the world, all movements in human society, all the works that we have around us are merely the unfolding of thought, the manifestation of the will of man. Machines or instruments, cities, ships, battleships, everything is simply the manifestation of the will of man, and this will is caused by the nature and character is shaped by the karma. As is the karma , and is the manifestation of the will. The men of mighty will the world has produced have all been extremely active, endowed with a gigantic souls will able to start the worlds of their orbits, and that will was acquired through persistent work done for centuries. The will of a huge Buddha or a Jesus could not be acquired in one lifetime, we know who were their parents. Nothing tells us that they utter a single word for the good of humanity. Millions and millions of carpenters like Joseph has been, millions are still living. Have existed in the world, millions and millions of petty kings like Buddha's father. If only it were a case of hereditary transmission, how explicaríais this little prince who may not obey their own servers, this child produced half the world who loves? How explicaréis the gulf between the carpenter and his son, whom millions of human beings as God loves? This can not be solved by the theory of heredity. The giant Buddha and Jesus will that spread in the world, where do they come?; Does whence this accumulation of power?
AL1i must have been for ages and ages, continually growing until it was in society a Buddha or a Jesus, to continue to expand until today.
6) Our karma determines what we deserve and what we can assimilate. Message from the "Bhagavad Gita" about the karma-yoga. This is determined by karma , action. Nobody can get anything unless you deserve, it is an eternal law, sometimes we may think not, but eventually we to convince them. A man may struggle all his life to achieve wealth, can trick the thousands, but finally realizes he does not deserve to be rich and life is made uncomfortable and 'a heavy burden. Can be accumulated to our physical objects, but only what we deserve is truly ours. A fool may buy all the books in the world and having them in your library, but only be able to read those who deserve, and this deserving is produced by the karma. Our karma determines what we deserve and what we can assimilate. Responsibility for what is ours and we are whatever we want to be have the power to do so. If you we are now is the result of our past actions, it follows clearly that everything that we want to be in the future can be produced by our present actions, and therefore we need to know how to act. You say "What is the value of learning to act? Each one acts one way or another in the world." But one thing we do, and this is, to fragment our energies. With regard to karma-yoga the "Bhagavad Gita says " is to run the job with skill, like a science: knowing how to work can get the greatest results. " must remember that every action is simply externalize the power of the mind, that. Power that already exists in it, wake up the ego. The power is within every man, so is the knowledge, the different actions like the piercings that give rise, to wake up to these giants.
7) motives behind the man to act. Man acts for various reasons, there can be no action without reason. Some want the fame and work for fame. Others crave money and work for the money. Others look to and work for power. There are those who want to reach heaven and act to achieve it. Some are working to leave a name when they die, as do in China, where no man gets a title until he dies, custom better than ours after all. There when a man does something good, give a title of nobility to his dead father or his grandfather. Some people work for it. Those who belong to certain sects Mohammedan work all their lives to ensure that they build a great tomb when they die. Sects among them know as soon as a child is born you are preparing a grave, this is according to them the most important action that a man has to carry out, and the bigger and more magnificent is his grave, the better it is considered that the man is. Others work as serving a penance after committing all kinds of evil make up a temple or give something to the priests to buy them and get them a passport to heaven.
think that this kind of charity and will cleanse them travel without paying a fee, despite their sins. These are some different reasons to act.
8. action made with detachment. Self-control will tend to develop models and tough characters. labor of love to work. There is in each country few human beings who are really the salt of the earth and work for love to work without worrying about the popularity and fame, even go to heaven. They work simply because it will be good. There are others who do good to the poor and help mankind even higher grounds because they believe in goodness and love good. The desire to name and fame, rarely produces immediate results and are generally older when they come to us and we are tired of life. If a man works without any selfish motive in view, gets nothing? Yes, it achieves the highest. Selflessness is more rewarding, but men do not have the patience to practice. Also important from the standpoint of health. Love, truth, and unselfishness are not merely moral figures of speech but are our most high ideal, because in them is the manifestation of that immense power. First, a man who can work five days, or even less, five minutes without any selfish motive, without thinking about the future or in heaven or punishment, or anything like that, is in itself ability to become a powerful moral giant. It's hard to do this, but in the depths of our hearts recognize its value and the good it produces. This tremendous control is the greatest manifestation of power, this self-control is a manifestation of more power than needed for any other external action. A carriage with four wild horses, may precipitate a downhill, but will not occur if the driver could rein in the horses. What greater display of power, let them or rein? A cannon ball through space, across a long distance and falls, another is arrested for the clash against a wall, and the impact generates intense heat. Every manifestation of power driven by a selfish motive is broken, do not produce a power that returns to you, but if it is controlled to produce a development. This self-control tend to produce a strong will, a character will give a Buddha or a Christ. Fools do not know this secret, but want to lead humanity. Even a fool can rule the world he acts and looks. That wait a few years to control the foolish idea of \u200b\u200bgoverning, and when it is gone completely, it will be a world power. Most of us can not see beyond a few years, as well as certain animals that can not see beyond a few steps. A small, tight circle, that's our world. We do not have the patience to look beyond, and thus we become immoral and evil that is our weakness, our powerlessness.
9. tells us the "Bhagavad Gita:" We have the right to work but not their fruits. " Not even the lowest forms to act must be less neglected. Let the man who does not know any better working for selfish ends, for name and fame, but everyone should always try to achieve ever higher mobile and understand. "We have the right to work but not their fruits." Put aside the fruits. Why worry about the results? If you want to help a man, never think what will be his attitude towards you. If you want a great work or good, not you nervious to think what the outcome.
10. ideal man. a difficult question arises regarding this ideal of action. Intense activity is needed, we always act. We can not live a minute without action. So what about the rest? This is an aspect of the struggle for life: action, in which vortex are quickly absorbed. And here is another: the quiet, intimate renunciation; peaceful around us, there is very little noise and few players on the scene, only nature with its animals, plants and mountains. None of these issues' is a perfect picture. If a man used to solitude comes in contact with the whirlwind of the world will be destroyed by him, the same goes for the fish living in deep sea waters, which, as soon as it is brought to the surface, is shattered to be deprived of the weight of water that kept their integrity. Can a man who has become accustomed to the tumult and hurry of life, living at home in a quiet place? Suffering, and perhaps may even lose right. The ideal man is one who, in the midst of the greatest silence and solitude, activity is intense, yen amid the most intense activity, silence and tranquility of the desert. Such a man has learned the secret of self-control, has gained control of himself. Through the streets of a big city, with its motley traffic, and his mind is as calm as if in a cave where even the slightest sound can reach him; and is capable of intense activity at all times. This is the ideal of karma-yoga, and if you have achieved this, you will have learned, really, the secret of action.
11. come, as long as our motives are not selfish and knowledge that lies within us will manifest. But we have to start from the beginning, take care of the work our part by accepting them as they are, and lavish slowly, be more unselfish each day. We do the work and find the motive that drives us to do it, and almost without exception, in the early years, we find that our mobile are always selfish, but gradually this selfishness will vanish with the persistence, until finally there will come a time when we can do really unselfish work. We can all hope that one day or another, struggling as we are on the path of life, there comes a time when we are perfectly unselfish, and when we get it, will concentrate all our powers and knowledge that lies within us will manifest.
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