The Sanskrit word chakra literally means wheel and refers to energy centers where it condenses, flows and transforms the vital energy or prana. Found in the crossing of the Nadis or astral tubes that circulate energy (see section Pranayama), having 7 major chakras. Both the nadis or astral tubes, as the chakras are at astral body the astral plane, which is the subtle counterpart of the physical body.
The three main nadis are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi. The physical and astral body are overlapping and interconnected. In terms of the physical body Sushumna nadi starts from the base of the spine in the coccyx area, and extends to the top of the head. Mostly extension coincides with the spinal cord. Ida Nadi and Pingala, the symbolism is represented by the caduceus of Mercury, are the nadis nadi Sushumna run laterally, and these nadis through which energy flows normally, producing a dual consciousness, governed by bipolarity, observer- observed subject-object, and binary logic. The 7 chakras or energy centers are located main along Sushumna nadi, each representing a particular state of consciousness, and are associated with major nerve plexus of the physical body.
They are represented by lotus flowers with a certain number of petals, and are related to Sanskrit sounds, which when pronounced resonances create subtle astral level. Turn in classical representation of a color associated with a deity, an element and a specific mantra.
Located at the base of the spine, Muladhara Chakra represents the earth element. Represents the densest level of manifestation or condensation of cosmic energy, matter. Chakra Muladhara is associated with survival functions with the physical, with pleasure and sexuality, consciousness is rooted to the physical plane, both with our own body as
This chakra controls the gonads and adrenal glands. Governs the excretory system (in conjunction with apana) and the skeleton, teeth, nails and hair.
It is closely linked to the feet (karmaindriya) which are our connection to Earth
This chakra kundalini lies dormant
This chakra is located at the height of the genitals on the spine. Its element is water. As Muladhara exerts its influence on sex and adrenal glands. It is also related to the abdomen, intestines, kidneys, bladder and sexual organs. It is closely connected to the hands (karmaindriya).
The balance of this chakra gives the sublimation of passions, anger, hatred, anger, violence and fear, transforming love, compassion, kindness, and peaceful feelings. Instead their imbalance is the cause of various sexual disorders and a lack of creativity, pain, excessive search for pleasure, aggression and problems of abdominal organs.
is the center of change, creativity, drive and sexual energy and pleasure, is also related to sociability. Represents the sense of taste. In Hindu teachings, much emphasis was placed in celibacy (Brahmacharya) in order to transmute the sexual drive with a downward trend in regards to energy, spiritual energy (Shakti thee listen) with an upward trend. This energy goes up sushumna nadi to the brain where it remains accumulated increasing spiritual awareness. The transformation of sexual energy in thee listen Shakti is properly a sublimation, and not a repression of sexual impulses that lead to mental and somatic disorders of various kinds, as well as a return of the repressed.
Located at the navel, represents the element fire. Is closely related to the emotions and nuances, and that is why, according to Eastern philosophy, that when we experience a strong emotion is accompanied by feelings at the height of his stomach, while being closely linked to epigastric plexus. Is the center of relational interaction with the universe, and the digestive process. It also relates to the vegetative activities. While Swadhisthana chakra Muladhara chakra and have a downward motion, Manipura chakra has a upward movement due to the quality of fire and heat.
is the chakra of transformation, through the combustion process of digestion, and through the transformation of the inertia of the earth and water and energy in action.
In the physical body corresponds to the sense of sight, and the anus (karmaindriya).
The development of this chakra, the person free of disease. The Manipura chakra imbalance leads to digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and emotional disorders.
Anahata chakra is located at heart level, being the element that corresponds to the air. Its name comes from that meditation on this center can hear Anahata sound, sound mystical qualities. Is associated in the physical body to the sense of touch, and its organ of action (karmaindriya) is the sexual organ. It relates to the functions of the heart, thymus gland and the circulatory system. Their imbalance causes circulatory problems, heart and respiratory (asthma, etc.). Depart from this chakra nadis or astral tubes to lower chakras located on the palms of hands, which serve to project prana from the heart center.
Anahata chakra is located right in the middle of the main line of chakras, the lower three chakras below and above the top. In this chakra lies the consciousness of individuality (Jivatman) the absolute principle identified by the limitations of the senses and mind. After the awakening of this chakra, there is a profound change in the levels of consciousness and liberation of identificatory ties of the individual, is a milestone that marks a before and after. Once awakened this chakra is no longer speaks of "my" or "you", no longer speaks of "my chakras" or "my awakening", but comprising the undivided nature of the vital principle, we understand the illusion of fragmentation with respect to other beings, and implementation becomes a matter of society as a whole. When the waters of the emotional attachment relationships based on pleasure-displeasure is silenced, it manifests the "Universal Love" which does not distinguish shapes and does not focus on the ego.
In the Eastern scriptures, Anahata chakra gives certain mental qualities such as travel mentally and perceive distant places and events.
The location of this chakra is the throat height and corresponds to Laryngeal plexus in the physical body, and its element ether (Akasha). This chakra is closely related to the thyroid gland, your body is the mouth action and the meaning associated with it is hearing.
In the Hindu scriptures which fully activates this center has a perfect knowledge of the scriptures or Vedas. After reaching the Universal Love, is a high purity, which is what gives the name of this powerhouse. It has to do with the expressive qualities communication of human beings. Vishudhi Chakra has the quality of space, where the other four elements are formed, and where then merged, so is the quality that is in a latent form behind them. The space is a necessary condition for something to fit into it. A vessel must be empty to be filled, so the mind has to be emptied so that what is revealed. Must be emptied to have a transparent view of the movement of life.
Vishudhi Chakra governs the vocal cords, gastrointestinal tract, lungs and hearing, so it generates a malfunction of the problems related to these areas.
Sushumna It is located in Nadi and also corresponds to a point between the eyebrows at the level of the pituitary gland and the cavernous plexus. Ajna Chakra which is the bija mantra Om is the seat of mental activities (weeks). The mind focused on this center awakens intuition-hand knowledge, "and is released from the duality as it corresponds to energy in their undifferentiated state. Meditation on this center also produces a progressive release of the mental impressions samskaras-o- accumulated. After the awakening of Ajna Chakra there is nothing left to look, as there are no form nor anything to be sought, there is a duality that is expressed in terms of experimenter-experienced. "Aham Brahma Asmi" - "I am Brahman" or rather "Brahman is" "The Absolute is." That is why it is said that this is the third eye chakra, the eye of Brahman, it is all there and all there is to it. It is a holographic vision where each fragment is replicated all. It transcends the illusion of time and space.
Ajna Chakra is closely related to the eyes, brain and its functions.
Sahasrara Chakra (thousand-petalled chakra) corresponds to the top of your head or top, and is intimately linked to the pineal gland in the physical body. This gland is triangular-oval which is located below the thickening of the corpus callosum, deep in the brain, is of great importance in much of the esoteric traditions, and is regarded by them as the connection point with
is in this chakra where it rests Siva, in perfect stillness, undisturbed, is the static aspect of the universe. Take time to observe a moment representation of Siva, and see that the latency of transmitting full attention, pure consciousness undisturbed, the Witness.
When Kundalini Shakti is the dynamic aspect of the universe, cosmic potentiality in man ascends Sushumna nadi, which is the central energy channel and corresponds to the physical body with the spine, awakens the first six chakras on its way. These six chakras below Sahasrara Chakra are like lotus flowers that the passage of Kundalini will illuminating and awakening deep states of consciousness, waking up gradually to other dimensions of the universe.
Sushumna Kundalini ascends to Sahasrara Chakra, where it merges with Siva. The static and dynamic first join, merge. The candidate achieves liberation. The drop of water merges into the ocean, doing what was always there, always understanding what they knew. The person is understood as a process, not as an entity, the entire process of life, in the Holos Holos. Siva and Shakti joining as particle and antiparticle meet that disappear.
to Ajna Chakra the applicant has understood the unity of the Self-existence. With the union (Yoga) now performs the non-existence. Or rather that is done be for non-existence, because now there is nobody to make the non-existence, there is an aggregate as an entity (me) who does it, simply is done. There is no uncertainty principle, there is no observer or the observed object.
Extracted from: http://www.hatha-yoga.com.ar