Joints are points of contact between two bones, including bone and cartilage or between a bone and a tooth (1). Are formed flexible connective tissue and help keep the bones together while providing a degree of movement. Structural Classification
The structural classification is based on two criteria: the presence or absence of a space between the bones or cartilages that articulate with each other and the type of connective tissue that holds the bones together (1). Here are the rankings: Fibrous Joints
In fibrous joints two bones are joined firmly by fibrous connective tissue. The variations between them is minimal or absent (2). They also called immovable joints (3). There are 3 types of fibrous joints: suture, syndesmosis and gomphosis. The
sutures are joints where the bones are united by a thin sheet of dense fibrous connective tissue (1), are found only in the skull. With age, some of them are replaced by synostosis, in which the bones are fused into one (1). Some examples of this type of joints are the interparietal suture, intermaxillary and internasal.
The syndesmosis are joints where the bones are united by dense fibrous connective tissue, a ligament or interosseous membrane (1). These only exist at the joints of the leg (tibia / fibula) and forearm (radius / ulna), called distal radioulnar distal tibiofibular.

interosseous membrane between the radius and ulna joint (syndesmosis) Taken from
The gomphosis are the joints that support the teeth to the alveolar process, or between the tooth root and alveolar and jaw. Cartilaginous joints
cartilage in the joints two bones joined by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage (2). Among them there are a range of motion. It also referred to as semi-mobile joints (3). There are 2 types of cartilaginous joints: synchondrosis and symphysis.
The synchondrosis are joints where the material that is connected hilaino cartilage becomes synostosis when growth ceases in length. It is found mainly in the chest and spine and between the epiphysis and diaphysis of long bones (epiphyseal plate). Some examples of this type of joints are the first joints sternocostal the occipitoesfenoidal and disks (or plates) epiphyseal as mentioned above.
The symphysis are joints where the material that connects is fibrocartilage. Allow a minimum amount of movement that occurs through compression or deformation of the intermediate connective tissue. Some examples of this type of joints are the pubic symphysis and the intervertebral disc.
synovial joints in synovial joints two bones separated from each other but united by a capsule, cartilage or joint cavity envelope composed of a fibrous outer membrane (3). Can be seen accessory ligaments, articular disc and synovial membrane or internal pouch where the synovial fluid. Show a degree of movement in more than one axis. Joints are also called mobile (1). There are 5 types of synovial joints: plane, hinge, pivot, condylar, saddle and spheroid.

hand joints Taken Taken
The flat are joints where the surfaces of that shape or slightly curved (1). Some examples of this type are the intercarpal joints, Sternal, acromioclavicular, cigapofisiaria, and vertebrocostales. The
are hinged joints where a surface convex surface fits into a concave (1). Allow the movement of extension and flexion. Some examples of this type of joints are the elbow, ankle, knee and joints.
The pivots are joints where a surface surrounded or embedded in a ring pointed fomrado part by bone and partly by a ligament (1). Allow rotation. An example of such joints is the altlantoaxial.
The condylar are joints where an oval shaped projection fits into a depression in the same way (1). Some examples of this type are the radiocarpal joint, temporomandibular and metacarpophalangeal. The
saddles are joints where the surface of a bone has the shape (concave) and the other bone (is convex) is mounted on the chair (1). An example of such joints is the carpometarpiana (between the trapezium and the first digit).

Glenohumeral Joint Taken Taken
The spheroids are joint where a spherical surface fits into a cup-shaped depression (1). Have a high rank mobility. Some examples of this type are the glenohumeral joint and the hip. Functional Classification
The functional classification of joints is related to the quality of movement that allow (1). Here are the rankings:
synarthrosis : joints that allow movement. Some examples of this type of joints are the epiphyseal plate between the epiphysis and diaphysis of long bones, and gomphosis between the tooth root and alveolar process.
Anfiatrosis : limited joint motion. Some examples of this type of joints are the intervertebral symphysis pubis. Synovial
: high movement joints. Some examples of this type are the atlantoaxial joint and the ulnar.
All synovial joints classified structurally and functionally belong to the category of the synovial joints (1). They have a variety of ways, allowing many different types of movement.
To read more:
(1) Tortora, Gerald. Derrickson, Bryan. 2006. Principles of Anatomy and Physiology. 11 th. Edition. Editorial Médica Panamericana. Mexico DF. Mexico. Cap 6.
(2) Amagi, Atilio. Barranza, Fernando. Rodriguez, Fernando. Lizana, Pablo. Human Anatomy Laboratory. Guide # 1. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso. Faculty of Sciences. Online. Date of Consultation: 15/Enero/2010.
Available at: 202008/Guia% 20Osteologia% 201.pdf
(3) Montoya, Katia. 2009. Anthology of General Anatomy. American University. Faculty of Physical Therapy. San Jose, Costa Rica.
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