Thursday, December 30, 2010

Experiencing Sympathy

My wishes for the year born :

That we know ourselves, because only thus can we be happy and serve others.

Do not squander our human life running after material things and transient. As they say all great teachers, human birth is precious, because only in a human body and living in the world can make the divinity within.

That we discern between real and unreal, between what is transient and transcendent. And thereby put our more energy in that which transcends, as it does not die with the body.

May we find the activity that really fills our hearts and dedicate ourselves to it.

May we understand that we live in duality, always changing, at a time when we are happy, sad, laugh, cry, like us, we do not like. But beyond these two poles there is an immutable reality, which always remains calm and still as the sea, and that is our true Self, witnessed continuous changes permanent.

May we connect with our Self which is eternal, source of fulfillment, real peace and profound knowledge.

we be aware that everything will stay the same on January 1, 2011, unless reflect and ask ourselves that we can change to be happier to have a better life. If we do and act in communion with our 2011 will surely be a HAPPY NEW YEAR!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Pokemon Blue Free Online Games

Yama and Niyama are the roots of our yoga practice. Know in depth is essential to work with each day. Only the firm foundation of Yama and Niyama is possible a true spiritual evolution, individual and social.

share a very simple and clear explanation of the Yamas and Niyamas, written by Dr. Fabian Ciarlotti in his book Yoga and Ayurveda, the editorial read.

Yama means down, slow down. The Yamas are disciplines or restraints (not be) that are divided into five moral precepts, with the goal of achieving superior mental nature. Everyone should be practiced in word, thought and action.

  1. Ahimsa or nonviolence:

Nonviolence not only action but also of thought and speech. It is the most sublime of yama. The Nonviolence is not just our behavior and thought with the living forms, is also pollute the environment if, how close a door, selfishness, if we shout, if we do not answer or wrong, if we hurt with words, gestures or omission, if we harm animals and plants, if we take out the trash before (is full of rats or dogs the break and spill all), if we are unkind, proud, egotistical, narcissistic, arrogant, competitive ... And violence can be also no action.

  1. Satyam or truthfulness:

not lie, be impeccable with the word, the word can cure or kill. Everything we say is suspended in the cosmos and makes us like karma. Exaggeration to claim, distort, manipulate or lie very nature is against us and against satyam. Go back to the importance of language. The word may heal (placebo effect) or kill (nocebo effect), great sutra: one is an owner of a slave to shut up and what he says.

  1. Brahmacharya or moderation (literally masters in Brahma):

moderation is to avoid excess. Moderation is the middle way in the use of the senses, much or little, nor diverted from nature. It also refers to celibacy, but not in the sense of suffer sexual abstinence, but to transform that energy into a powerful internal as expand and explain the Tantra. The semen is directly related to Ojas (fluid of life) as the control and transformation of the ojas increases and therefore, the immune system also is rejuvenating and increases sexual power. Brahmacharya is not leaving the sex, but beyond it, in addition to temper our attitudes. Is intimately related to the pratyahara, control of the senses.

  1. Asteya, honesty, not stealing:

Asteya means not deprive others of what is theirs. Besides we can steal money or property of another time, emotions, ideas, thoughts, discoveries, theses, books, music and more.

  1. Aparigraha or not covet and be generous:

Apara Sanskrit Voice, among many things, like all Sanskrit, means "outside" and Agraha "want." It is also not accumulating or hoarding.

Niyama are the observances (the other). Also divided into five and complete the ethical precepts that start with the yama.

  1. Saucha, cleanliness, purity:

is the internal and external cleaning. The body is a temple should be kept clean, entering sattvic things or pure, whether or food hygiene. Purity is not just bathe daily, but no smoking, stimulants, toxic substances, alcohol, meat. Is pure in what goes and what comes out. The mental purity or cleanliness in thought, word and deed. Recall that ayurveda is food for everything that comes through the senses, and if what comes is pure, my growth also will be.

  1. Santosha, contentment, acceptance:

Nisargadatta Maharaj says that flow through life is to be happy and in a state of acceptance. Let come what comes and go what will not only accept but be content with it, beyond what has occurred.

So, no desire, no fear, just see what happens. One is not what happens but it is who happens.

First, then, is our karma (actions and response) or, as Jesus said, you reap what you sow ... and it finally happened, this is it happened, whether good or bad, so you have to accept it.

  1. Tapas or austerity:

Austerity in the sense of self-discipline, intelligence and discrimination practiced, is not torturing the body and mind and numb the senses.

Austerity is not filled with unnecessary nonsense (and incidentally lower our threshold of what is truly necessary and what not). The austere lives with little outside because it is full inside.

  1. Svadhyaya or self-study and sacred texts.

Sva means "one self" and Adhyaya study.

is the self (atma bodha) and questioning yourself.

  1. pranidhana Isvara, surrender to God

is living constantly becoming aware of the divine presence and surrender to the will of God. When the ego surrenders, the mind is silent and the delivery is complete, and there is no death.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

How To Wear A Ladies Napkin


X Japan (エックス ジャパン, X Japan?) Is a popular Japanese heavy metal band. The group was formed in Tateyama, Chiba Yoshiki and Toshi in 1982 and disbanded in 1997, reformed in 2007. Originally named X (エックス, X?), Gained fame for his second album, Blue Blood. His music is characterized by a taste for classic metal, mixed with fast drum lines and variable guitar lines with a strong progressive, and greatly influenced by classical music. X Japan has sold over 20 million albums and singles along with 2 million videos. X Japan

dissolved in 1997 due Toshi abandonment, saying it rejected to sing sad songs at the time of a happy life. In May 1998, Hide died and the rest of the group, including Taiji, gather to play at his funeral. On October 18, 2007 was officially announced the return of the group, with new songs and his first world tour.

independent Period (1982-1988)

In summer 1978, and Toshimitsu Hayashi Yoshiki Deyama created a band with the name of Dynamite in his school in the city of Tateyama in Chiba Prefecture, Japan. Yoshiki Toshi played drums and guitar. The Group version songs from other groups and in 1980 rolled back, but Yoshiki decided to create another group called the Noise. The singer in the group who had left the school and Toshi became the vocalist. In the junior year, 1982, the other group members also were going slowly, leading to Yoshiki inviting musicians from other schools and the group became known as X.

In Tateyama there were not many places to play, in fact there was no place to mount outdoor concerts, so they decided to join a small local calls "Live houses" in which small groups like X Japan at the time they play. Yoshiki, Toshi, and Terry, who was then the guitarist, played many times on these sites that made X won much popularity in Tateyama. As the group lacked a bassist and another guitarist put posters around town and eventually took and Atsushi entered the group as a guitarist and bassist respectively.

to be revealed in the live houses distributed X 1984 a demo called I'll Kill You demo tape containing the first version on record I'll Kill You "and two more songs; We are X! and Stop Bloody Rain. Toshi fought with Atsushi and the latter left the group but returned to record the first single they released, I'll Kill You, released on May 15, 1985. The single sold 1000 copies and contained and I'll Kill You Break The Darkness. The album cover was designed to honor the victims of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

One month after launching the first single, Volume Eddie left the group and went to replace it. They released another demo to be released, X Live Demo Tape, which included a concert at Kagurazaka Explosion of June 26, 1985. It could already be listening to new songs like Kurenai, Endless Dream, Lady in Tears or Stop Bloody Rain, which appeared in the first demo. This was the first occurrence of which would Kurenai through various versions to be released on the album Blue Blood and becoming one of the most popular songs of the group.

In early October of that year, Terry, Eddie and Atsushi abandon the group, his last concert was in Kagurazaka Explosion. Taiji, auxiliary from Prowler, and Hally (ex-member of Dementia) joined the group. His first appearance was in the demo Feel Me Tonight Demo Tape. The two songs that contained the demo (Feel Me Tonight and Stab Me In The Back) were sung by Hally, who after this release again Dementia.

was launched in November compilation Heavy Metal Force III in which X and participated with a song Atsushi was previously recorded, Terry and Eddie in the group, Break the Darkness. The album contained songs from other groups, such as Saber Tiger Yokosuka, which was a member of the Hide.

As Taiji had played as an auxiliary and the result was good, he joined the group as official bassist. He also entered a new guitarist Jun (ex-wicker Sqwier). But a month later, in June and Taiji decided to form a group X and left them alone, so Yoshiki Hikaru hired as official bassist and Zen as auxiliary guitarist. Fatima, the group had created in June and Taiji, not going very well, which was to separate and enter again in June in the group, now named Shu.

No label wanted to hire because of its aggressive looks and flashy dresses. This did not stop Yoshiki who created his own production company, Extasy Records, with the money he and his mother managed to sell the family business. In April 1986, released the single Orgasm EP, with songs Orgasm, X and Time Trip Loving. Orgasm and X would almost always played thereafter. At the time of launch team members were: Yoshiki, Toshi, Hikaru (bass) and Shu (guitar).

In October, musical differences led to Hikaru and Shu abandon the group. They did their last show on 25 that month. After all this, X was left with Yoshiki and Toshi, so they decided to rehire TAIJI and got another guitarist named assistant Kerry. But on Dec. 30, X found a new guitarist, Satoru, which would remove the job to Kerry. X Satoru left after the first concert with the group.

In February 1987, X again to participate in a compilation of songs by indie bands, Skull Trash Zone Vol 1, but as they had no guitarist invited to play Pata Connexion and not Stab Me In The Back. Pata could not stay in the group so Isao recommended for the post, becoming the lead guitarist of X. Yokosuka then separated and Saber Tiger Hide (guitarist) joined X after receiving a call from Yoshiki. On 10 April, just before a concert Isao had a motorcycle accident. Yoshiki did not stop and ask a leg to play for a few days with X. A week later at Meguro Live Station, Pata be announced as an official member of the group, which established the training would continue until 1992: Yoshiki, Toshi, Hide, Pata and Taiji. And had spent many years taking singles and demos and it was time to get an album, so I quickly began to record one, Vanishing Vision, was released on April 14, 1988, to celebrate the launch did a concert in Tokyo Nakano Kohkaido in which they sold and started all locations a tour of 24 cities called Vanishing Vision Tour. That same year the group made a cameo in the movie Tokyo Pop

Dreamz (1989-1992)
In August of that year the group had already become famous throughout Japan, and the record Sony noticed them and reached an agreement to begin recording in January 1989 their second album and first as a major. After a week in the studios recording Shinanomachi and Sony Roppongi Studio, the April 21, 1989 released the album Blue Blood which came in sixth place in the Oricon. Because of its success, had to start another tour called Blue Blood Tour, a tour longer than the made earlier and which led them to more cities, as well as having more public. When the tour ended, Toshi, Hide, Pata and Taiji went to New York to record the video for the song Celebration, which saw the group members walking the streets of the city. While they were recording, Yoshiki went to Paris to record the video for the album's longest song, Rose of Pain. He recorded some scenes around the city and then another in a castle on the outskirts in La Ferté-Milon
A month after returning to Japan the group became involved in many music programs on Japanese television. In Japan it was not normal that leave bands on television, as there were many successful groups to go there. One of the songs they played was often Kurenai that was pitched in a single on August 28, 1989 just days before a new tour called Rose & Blood. Here, thanks to X was becoming increasingly popular, and touched on larger sites, an example is where the tour ended, the Nihon Budokan in Tokyo. During this tour Yoshiki suffered many breakdowns, it was that they had to suspend many concerts as he had held in the Shibuya Kohkaido on 24 November. That day he began to compose Art of Life. On December 1 Endless Rain released the single. Both

the simple Endless Rain Kurenai and sold very well and thanks to this award winning 1 st Place in the Oricon singles sold, also received other awards including Best New Artist Debut in Japan and most talented artists in Japan.

On February 4, 1990 resumed Rose & Blood tour since Yoshiki was better and I could play. On April 21, took another simple song that had already appeared on the album Blue Blood, Week End, the simple song contained some improvements over the album version, so the guitar solo as the battery was improved and also included a small part accompanied by piano. One month after Rose & Blood finished the tour with two concerts, one at the Nihon Budokan and one extra in Osakajo Hall. X Japan won the award for best artist of the year.

In November 1990, all members of the group flew to Los Angeles where they were recording their new album and after seven months of recording, May 7, 1991, finished recording the album Jealousy. That same day, offered a massive press conference in Los Angeles ahead of Japanese and American journalists. They took the time in Los Angeles for publicity photos, among other things. A month later, on June 5, would return to Japan where in the Narita airport were waiting dozens of fans and journalists. And on July 1 was the day chosen to release the album Jealousy which was perceived a slight evolution of the sound to share milder than in their previous two albums. It was number one in Japan.

A month after the launch began a new tour called Violence in Jealousy ~ Yume no naka dake no iKit that led them on 23 August to its first performance at the Tokyo Dome. On Sept. 11 released a new single, Silent Jealousy, which had already been included on the album Jealousy but this time he appeared with a new version of Sadistic Desire without the scream that is in the beginning. 30, this month was released on VHS video Shigeki 2 ~ Visual Shock Vol 3 dake Yume no naka no iKit containing Some video clips of songs from the album Jealousy, two versions of the concert they did in the Niigata Industrial Center and a video with scenes from other shows with Say Anything in the background.

October 25 released the single Standing Sex / Joker. Yoshiki With a half-naked on the cover, the single contained two songs: Joker, which had already appeared on the album Jeaousy but without the voices of the Standing Sex beginning and had to have appeared on the album but the rush I had to Sony Records release the album as soon as possible was that I had to put Stab in the Back on the album and allow for easy Standing Sex and who had not finished recording.

was X Japan (1992-1997)

The new logo was adopted grupo.Ya 1992 and the group was starting to become famous abroad, when an argument between Taiji and Yoshiki ended output under the group. He quickly began to look a substitute for Japan or even outside Japan, and finally Hide on 24 August that year drew to a member of Youth Media, Heath, to join the group in place of Taiji. Six days after switching on, the group changed its name. Thanks to Heath knew that in America there was another group with the name of X, so they decided to switch to X Japan.

In 1993 they released their first album under the name of X Japan and being in turn the debut of Heath on bass. Art of Life, composed of a single song for 30 minutes, was a resounding success in Japan.

On 10 November that left the single Tears for ballad composed by Yoshiki Yoshiki his father died when he was 10, the first weeks of its release the single was on top of Japanese sales charts and became one of the songs most popular of the group. On 21 the same month launched one of the first compilations of the group, X Singles, which contained the singles that were released with the name X, the album also included a live version of 20th Century Boy. 30 and again December 31 at Tokyo Dome to play in the so called X Japan Returns. Art of Life was played twice and Silent Jealousy made his last appearance.

in 1994 released a new single, Rusty Nail, a song that would later be released in album Dahlia. Since the first played the song was played in almost all concerts including X Japan The Last Live. The single entered the top of Japanese sales charts.

On May 20 the group participated in a benefit concert called The Great Music Experience was held at the Todai-ji temple in Nara, Japan with the support of Unesco. It included other artists such as Bob Dylan, Bon Jovi and INXS. The concert was broadcast to over 50 countries and had the sound producer George Martin.

the nights of 30 and 31 December of that year the band returned to play at the Tokyo Dome and handed out a demo of Longing to attendees. Then the members would continue their solo careers.

August 1 single was released Togireta Longing ~ Longing Melody and December ~ Setsubou No Yoru. Both singles contained the same music but different lyrics. Setsubou No Yoru also included a version recited by Yoshiki. In November 1995, decided to start her new tour, the Dahlia Tour. Soon begin problems due to poor health Yoshiki he did cancel some concerts to play again on Christmas night in Kobe, in a charity concert for the people who died on 17 January this year in the Kobe earthquake. The last two days of the year returned to play at Tokyo Dome.

On February 26, 1996 draw a new single, Dahlia, this song would later name his new album. This would be one of the last, if not the last song composed by Yoshiki no ballad for the group. A few months later, on July 8, would throw in what is considered simple by Toshi "greatest love song Yoshiki" and more famous group, Forever Love. The single entered the first sales in Japan as well as that released on 26 August of that year, Crucify my Love.

And the November 4, 1996 was the day chosen to launch what became the group's latest album, Dahlia, where ballads predominate over strong songs. The album included most singles released from 1993 to the date of release. That same month began a new tour ending with a concert at the Tokyo Dome on the last day of the year. On 19 November, released the single "Scars.

1997 would be the last year that X Japan would step on stage. In April year, Yoshiki Toshi reported that he left the group. The reasons are not yet entirely clear but according to the official version, Toshi was happy with her newly married life and had to sing X Japan songs of great sorrow. Others dare to say that Toshi convinced him to leave the group as a sect called Masaya, this was found to be false, first because Masaya is a singer not a sect, that met Masaya seconds after leaving the group.

Toshi was the group's founder, singer and icon of the group, it was impossible to replace so the September 22, 1997 at a press conference without Toshi, the group announced that the December 31, 1997 would his last concert as the group dissolved. Toshi learned this news a day after the press. The conference was broadcast in almost all channels in Japan and in the street organized groups of people to hear what he said Yoshiki, the band split was a blow to many fans, and that X Japan was at its best.

December 25, pulled the Star Box, which contained two albums, Dahlia and Art of Life, which would then be removed in Disco de Oro that same day also made two more releases, the X Single Atlantic Years (compilation of singles released under the name of X Japan) and the Special Box, with the same content but with karaoke versions.

And finally, the December 31, 1997 was the last concert of the group. The concert followed the line of the Dahlia Tour events and played nearly the same songs, since there was not much time to plan the concert. When they finished the concert went directly to play again Forever Love for a Japanese television program.

After X Japan and the death of Hide
The first pitch was after The Last Live was a bootleg of a concert of April 12, 1995 in Hokkaido. On 18 March 1998 launched The Last Song (last song of the group) and Art of Life Live.

After the dissolution, Hide continued his successful solo career with the newly formed group hide with Spread Beaver, Pata played on occasion. Toshi also continued his solo career, performing in small venues, local social, playing for big people, etc.. Always with the collaboration of Masaya.

Yoshiki and Hide had the idea to revive X Japan in 2000, but all these illusions were when the May 2, 1998 the Hide roommate found him dead in his apartment in Tokyo after a long night of drinking . The news commocionó to fans throughout Japan and several attempted suicide, two of them succeeded. Both his death and his funeral were announced in all parts of the world as a symbol Hide era in rock music.

The funeral was held at the Buddhist temple at Tsukiji Hongan-ji in Tokyo on May 5. Almost 30,000 people came to him. The streets were closed and police had to deploy helicopters, 100 officers and 170 security guards for crowd control. At the funeral, Yoshiki, Toshi, Pata, Heath and Taiji joined to play Forever Love. By the end of the day 40 people were hospitalized with various injuries at the funeral. Yoshiki still continued his solo career, although he was heavily influenced by the death of Hide, because after she promised not to touch the battery.

May 25 released the album X Japan on Piano where Yoshiki plays different songs, mostly ballads, piano. Hide's death forced her to throw some discs in his memory, so that on 22 July that year he took two gold albums, Forever Love and Scars, a love song and a song of Hide to remember, along with this Gold Disc was launched Monument that included the same songs but with a cover made of gold.

On 30 January 1999 launched the Star Box, compilation that included some direct and remastered versions of songs released in album Blue Blood and Jealousy. On 24 February the same year The Perfect Best compilation also remember to Hide. Gift contained a book with stickers, the group's history, an interview with Yoshiki and some videos as an anime version of Rusty Nail.

Two years after the death of Hide, Junichiro Koizumi started a campaign to have opened a museum in honor of Hide. Former Japanese minister is a known fan of the group, and his dream was fulfilled in 2000 with the opening of the hide museum in Yokosuka.

On May 30, 2001 was released the CD version of Last Live. He would later be released video version. Two months later it launched another re-release of Forever Love. While both were also released on DVD videos that had been previously released on VHS.

Heath, Pata and INA, a member of Hide with Spread Beaver this year, the group founded Dope Headz with which they took some singles and one album, but ceased its activities in 2001. Since then Heath was devoted especially to his solo career, playing at times with other groups and formed the group Pata Ra: In. Was launched in 2002 X Trance album which contains the most popular songs remastered by DJ X Japan.

In 2004 there were rumors that Toshi would retire from the world of music because of the pressure of Masaya and alleged sexual abuse, but in a statement on its Web Toshi said all these were mere lies and that he would compose music, and would never hurt anyone. In April it launched the first American release of X Japan, X Japan Best.

In August 2006 it was announced that Yoshiki would start a new project with Gackt, and later confirmed that Sugizo (Luna Sea) also form part of this group. In June of 2007 at an event organized by Yoshiki in the U.S. where nine bands played Miyavi is presented as 4th member of the project.

Around group res
days before launching new versions of Blue Blood and Jealousy, on 11 February 2007 announced the possible return of X Japan. Toshi confirmed on their official website that after the band's manager asked him repeatedly if he accepted the idea of \u200b\u200ba comeback, finally agreed. He confirmed that all members had given their support. A few days later, we learned that "Home of Heart", a company that Toshi is attached, was ordered to pay several billion yen by a demand from the Japanese press announced that it could jeopardize the meeting but Toshi quickly came to his site saying it was all a lie and was very glad to see the whole group.

March 21 in a statement Toshi on its website said that days before had traveled to Los Angeles to meet with Yoshiki, 10 years after the two parted. Toshi said that during that stay Yoshiki sang a song composed after the death of Hide. The song was Without You, originally included on the album Yoshiki Eternal Melody II. He also confirmed that the proposed reformation of the group would begin soon. In May he told the Japanese press that the meeting would be scheduled for December 2007.

On June 4, Yoshiki announces the return of the group. The activities begin with a new tour and recording a new single. The tour start in Los Angeles before the end of 2007 and would serve to promote the single Without You. Without You would be sung by Toshi and released in tribute to Hide. Pata and Heath also joined the project and the position of guitarist (formerly in charge of Hide) would be taken at concerts for over 10 guitarists.

In early October there was speculation that the group could play the main theme of Saw 4 Lionsgate released after the production notes referring to X Japan as an interpreter of the song "IV." On 18 October, officially announces the return of the web in a statement. X Japan played in the Odaiba Aqua City on October 22 over a roof. This action served to record the video for the song IV, which also includes guitar recordings made by hide before his death.

January 20 is announced two dates for the Tokyo Dome scheduled for March 28 (Night of Destruction) and 30 (Night of Creation). A third concert was added later on the day 29 (Night of Madness) due to the rapid sale of tickets. The first concert was broadcast by WOWOW payment and the next two DMM for the online channel, waiting for a DVD release soon. The guest guitarists who played with X Japan were Wes Borland of Black Light Burns, Richard Fortus from Guns N 'Roses and Sugizo of Luna Sea, and the use of recordings and a hologram of hide and present during the performance of Art of Life. Fortus and Robin Finck mate had Guns Endless Rain versioned group for some concerts in Japan in 2007.

The show went without difficulties and later during a press conference, plans for a concert in Paris, France on July 5, 2008 was announced, with an audience of 20,000 people. In addition to the date of Paris, plans for concerts in Madison Square Garden in New York on 13 September and at the Taipei World Trade Center, Taipei, Aug. 2 was also confirmed.

September 2008-January 2009: Delays
The June 8, 2008 it was reported that all previously scheduled shows was postponed until further notice due to recurrence of the hernia of Yoshiki. The concerts in Paris and Taipei were re-scheduled for November 22, 2009.

On September 15, 2008, Yoshiki held a press conference in Tokyo, where he announced a new song of X Japan in their work. Christmas concerts and New Year's Eve 2008 was also announced. After the conference Yoshiki went promotional tour through Asia. On 7 November the website ticketing Avot French, announced that ticket sales planned the show in Paris was canceled. Later that day, X Japan released a press release through its French site apologizing for the second postponement and stated that the sample provided for Christmas is likely to suffer a fate similar.A early January, had announced the date of the concert in Taiwan was postponed a second time, with the direction of the band, citing a potential security issue affecting the seat of reason. December 31 X Japan made the performance of your New Year's Eve countdown at the Akasaka Blitz, performing a set list that includes more material and announced plans for next year.

On 15 January, the band came to Hong Kong before their shows on January 16 and 17. On May 1, Sugizo officially joined X Japan. The announcement explained that Sugizo joined as the sixth member, and not as a replacement for the late guitarist hide. The hide memorial summit took place on May 2 and 3, with numerous performances by acts such as Dir en Grey and Oblivion Dust, bands like Luna Sea Phantasmagoria and even met for one day to perform. On May 30, 2009, the band made their first live show with Sugizo in Taiwan.

2010: First North American Tour, New Album Announcement
The January 9, 2010, the band made its first public appearance U.S. by shooting four music videos in Hollywood. The four videos were of Rusty Nail, Jade, Endless Rain and IV. In February, Yoshiki confirmed that X Japan will be presented at Lollapalooza in August. Later that month, Yoshiki announced at a press conference that the band will move to Los Angeles, CA. with a concert planned for a "simple" place in the Los Angeles to mark the First Show of the band in North America. Also announced a 6th Album in work and is expected to be released in autumn.

On 1 July, the band appeared on the Club Nokia in Los Angeles, where he performed an acoustic version of "IV", and recorded a music video a new song, "Born to be Free." It also unveiled a new music video for Rusty Nail. On July 4, the two leading members of the band: Toshi and Yoshiki (on piano), appeared in Paris at Japan Expo 2010, which presented some of her hits as "IV" and "Rose of Pain."

Over the next month, X Japan and Yoshiki appeared in numerous newspapers and websites such as ABC News, the Los Angeles Times and Chicago Sun-Times.X Japan performed at the Lollapalooza in Grant Park, Chicago on 8 August. In the following days, Yoshiki did an interview with Q & A Phoenix New Times and was interviewed by ABC News.

14 and 15 August 2010, the band performed a two-day show at the Nissan Stadium, the largest in Japan. It was reported that more than 100,000 fans attended the two concerts with some estimates as high as 140,000 in assistance. Taiji played the song "X" as a guest at the concert.

On 16 September, the new single from "Jade", was released for streaming on their website.

September 25 to October 10, X Japan made its first North American tour dates ever in Los Angeles, Oakland, Seattle, Chicago, Vancouver, Toronto and New York.

Yoshiki announced in an interview that the new album X Japan would be Launched in 2011. He also announced a world tour for the spring of 2011, which is expected to see the band return to North America in March and to visit South America in April, especially in Brazil and Chile. European dates have been suggested by the band eager to visit France, Germany and England.

Toshimitsu "Toshi" Deyama (出山 利 三, Toshimitsu Deyama?) - Vocals.

Tomoaki "Pata" Ishizuka (石 冢 智 昭, Tomoaki Ishizuka?) - Guitar.

Hiroshi "Heath" Morie (森 江 博, Morie Hiroshi?) - Low. Yoshiki

"Yoshiki" Hayashi (林佳 树, Yoshiki Hayashi?) - Piano and drums

Hideto "Hide" Matsumoto (松本 秀 人, Matsumoto Hideto?) - Guitar (deceased).

Sugizo - guitar and violin.

previous components
Yasushi "Taiji Sawada (沢 田 泰 司, Yasushi Taiji?) - Bass (until 1992).

Atsushi (Atsushi Tokuo) - bass (1985).

Eddie - guitar (1985).

Hally (Yoshifumi Yoshida) - guitar (1985).

Hikaru - low. (1986).

Isao - guitar (1987).

Jun (Takai Hisaishi) - Guitar (1985 ~ 1986).

Kerry - guitar (1986). Satoru

- guitar (1986).

Terry (Yuji Izumisawa) - Guitar (1983 ~ 1985).

Volume (Tomoyuki Ogata) - Guitar (1984 ~ 1985).

Zen (Zenon) - Guitar (1985 ~ 1986).

Look and musical style
Kiss Inspired by the Americans, members of X took a look provocative and outrageous. The staging and visual play an important part of group representations (both at concerts and in video clips). X Japan is often said that were part of the visual stream kei, but this is widely discussed. Although since the late '80s and there were bands that shared many common elements related to such as Luna Sea and D'Erlanger, the term Visual Kei began to spread until the mid-1990s.

The group is particularly appreciated for its versatility in musical composition. Since most violent metal to the most melancholy ballads, X Japan knows how to extract the best from each of the members in order to achieve the best possible result. During the sixteen-year reign on the Japanese music scene, X Japan evolved both in appearance (leaving members little by little as aesthetics extravagant characterized them during their early years) and the musical aspect (increasingly were dominated more quiet songs.) Gender played by X Japan include the speed metal (in its early days), thrash metal (in album Blue Blood), power metal (on the album Jealousy) and other genres in Art of Life and Dahlia.

X Japan is the author of Art of Life, the masterpiece of the group and described by some as one of the best songs of rock metal and the particular japonés.Tiene last half an hour, where they have room for all the characteristic features of group: a battery quickly by Yoshiki, Toshi the personal voice of taking the leading role at certain times and then yield it one of the two guitar solos by Hide, and with it all, a piano solo or accompaniment of an orchestra. All these elements were alternating between them to achieve change of pace that prevents the song is boring and managed to keep the listener's attention. As a curiosity it is noteworthy that all the lyrics of the song is written in English. Art of Life was played at the end of 1993 and the group split up and hide's death could be the first and last times. But around the group in a concert on March 28, 2008 broadcast on WOWOW was played live again, until he suffered Yoshiki a physical collapse.

Most of the scores of X Japan are composed by Yoshiki, Hide the other component being the most assisted in the songwriting duties, with songs such as Scars or miscast (the latter made with Toshi), Taiji also composed some songs like Desperate Angel or Voiceless Screaming, and during the independent era June 1 composed songs of guitarists as Time Trip Loving. In general, the main issues addressed by X in his songs are the sad, love, suicide and death.

Concert X Japan has always been characterized by spectacular concerts. When they started, because lack of money, the group was small but rapidly and were local cultural festivals happening not only in your city if not in Chiba province at that time even released a demo that included a concert, and even some songs like Endless Dream only been played in concerts and never recorded in studio.

The Tokyo Dome was the site since 1991 most large concerts grupo.Tanto in cultural events at the premises that was playing, the group was very aggressive and broke everything that lay ahead, broke the instruments (which later also continue to do), throwing things to the public, etc. X JAPAN was become an independent group most hated and denied entry in many places, and many other groups would say they did not want to play in places where X Japan had touched.

But the group was becoming increasingly more popular in Japan and stopped playing in live houses and start to play in stadiums and at outdoor events or gatherings of various Japanese groups. In 1988 also began to play Japanese music programs like Music Station where they appeared many times, another television program that was going Kouhaku Utage NHK where they played almost all year-end. The group had changed their musical and visual appearance, and this also noted in its actions in which no public or throwing things were so aggressive with the public but continued to play strong, an example is the number of times that the group had to cancel or stop a concert because they hurt members . Yoshiki was injured a lot during the Rose & Blood tour and Dahlia Tour, coming up to collapse from exhaustion or pain, Heath also has also been damaged TOSHI.

group's last concert before adjournment was the December 31, 1997 at the Tokyo Dome after playing in this stadium for six years almost always the last two nights of the year.

Later, during his return have performed live in the same places as Tokyo Dome, Budokan Stadium, and even in other parts of Asia such as Hong Kong and Taipei.

versioned Lyrics X Japan Version
different songs in their concerts and album Blue Blood did a cover of The World Anthem Frank Marino was used as an introduction to many of the concerts for X Japan , the songs that he covered at the group's concert are:

20th Century Boy (T-Rex): this song would play in almost every concert since hide joined this group until he left Taiji although the X Japan Film Gig Visual Shock ~ ~ Heath and in also touched down. Sometimes when playing this song, the members exchanged the instruments being hide the vocalist, drummer Toshi, Yoshiki and Taiji Pata on guitar and bass.

Smoke on the Water (Deep Purple): popular song was played on June 19, 1986 as an introduction to his concert at Meguro Rokumeikan. He would later be played by Taiji in bass solos in the Rose & Blood tour.

Ace of Spades (Motörhead) touched only once on 19 October 1991, the third day of the three concerts that X Japan did in the Nissin Power Station. To play this song also exchanged their instruments but this time was: Hide the vocalist, Toshi and Yoshiki on guitar, on drums Taiji and Pata in the bass.

Anarchy in the UK and God Save the Queen (Sex Pistols): touched on the same day that Ace of Spades and the Extasy Summit. Also exchanged the instruments.

Burn (Deep Purple): another cover of Deep Purple this time played in the group's beginnings, when they were still called Noise, notably in 1982 in the Noise Live Audition in Chiba.

In the Mirror (Loudness): also touched on the 1983 Chiba Awa Koukou within Jitai Festival Bunka Matsuri, X Japan played the Japanese version.

Killers (Iron Maiden): the same day they played In the Mirror.

Born to be Wild (Steppenwolf): famous Steppenwolf song X Japan played a few times in the midst of lengthy guitar solos Orgasm. Was played for the last time on 6 January 1992.

Highway Star (Deep Purple): certain times they played this song in its infancy.

Rock and Roll (Led Zeppelin): X Japan played Rock and Roll in 1982 with Burn.

Tragedy (Hanoi Rocks): version of this song from Hanoi Rocks in 1988 and 1989 with Kyo (ex-Saber Tiger). Rusty Nail

(Dragonland): Swedish heavy metal band This version is song.

Silent Jealousy (Sonata Arctica): This melodic power metal band from Finland own versions of this song.

I'll Kill You (Anorexia Nervosa): This French black metal band he covered this song on the album "Redemption preocess" in its Japanese version.

Influence of X Japan
Main article: X Japan and popular culture

Over the years, X Japan has become one of the most influential groups in Japan, which has led to some references in culture popular, whether from the same group or its members.

Awards Cable
1989 Japanese Grand Prize Best New Artist Debut in Japan
1989 Japanese Grand Prize Japan's most talented artists

1989 Oricon Awards 1989 Award for best selling single of 1990 Japanese

Gold Record Artist of the Year Grand Prize

1991 Japanese Grand Prize Gold Record

Best Music Video 1992 Japanese Grand Prize Best Gold Record album written

Date Title Details

1988.04.14 Vanishing Vision first and only album the group as a separate time. Includes songs by Taiji. 1989.04.21

Blue Blood The major label debut. It is considered one of the best albums of J-Rock. 1991.07.01

Jealousy Taiji Last album with the group, with a lighter sound than the other albums. 1993.08.28

Art of Life (EP) The masterpiece of the group, including one song of 29 minutes long and rated as the Stairway to Heaven Japan. 1996.11.04

Dahlia last studio album the band ballads dominated most of the songs stronger.


Date Title Details

1985.06.15 I'll Kill You The group's first single with Atsushi, Terry, and Tomo. The cover is made to honor the victims of atomic bombs. 1986.04.20

オルガスム (Orgasm) 's actually a demo (as I'll Kill You) containing songs that would later be released on later albums. 1989.09.01

Kurenai First official single, very similar to the Blue Blood album version, without the symphonic intro. Includes direct 20th Century Boy. 1989.12.01

Endless Rain is the same version as the Blue Blood of bringing back a live version of X. 1990.04.21

Week End 's solo guitar and drums are improved over version of the album. 1991.09.11

Silent Jealousy Like leaves on the album Jealousy, includes a new version of Sadistic Desire. 1991.10.25

Standing Sex This song could not fork in the Jealousy and the single released in conjunction with a short version of Joker. 1991.12.10

Say Anything Say Anything is the same version as in Jealousy. It also includes live Silent Jealousy. 1993.11.10

Tears song which then appear on the album Dahlia, the single contains a classical version of the song released in Yoshiki Eternal Melody.

1994.7.10 Rusty Nail One of the last songs Yoshiki strong. In reverse includes an instrumental version of it. 1995.08.01

Longing ~ Longing Melody Togireta appeared on a demo they sent in the Tokyo Dome, as the last single brings an instrumental version. 1995.12.11

Longing ~ Yoru No Setsubou While casually confused with Togireta Melody ~ Longing is not the same song. Bring also a version as a poem recited by Yoshiki. 1996.02.26

Dahlia Song power that gives the album its name Dahlia. Includes a live version of Tears in the Tokyo Dome. 1996.07.08

Forever Love This song was used in the movie X Clamp, and is one of the most popular ballads of the band. Includes an instrumental version of it. 1996.08.26

Crucify my Love A new ballad, this one with fewer tools than the last. Includes a live version of Week End at the Tokyo Dome. 1996.11.18

Scars Song composed by hide and had already been launched in Dahlia album, the line breaks with the group was running only ballads. Includes a remix of White Poem I. 1997.12.18

Forever Love ~ Last Mix ~ acoustic version of Forever Love. Includes direct Longing in Hokkaidō. 1998.03.18

The Last Song Last song of the group, which had already appeared on other pitches as in The Last Live and Ballad Collection. Gift carries a CD-ROM with the discography and videography of the group, and newspaper articles about the solution. 2008.01.23

IV New single from the group after their meeting. He served as the main theme for the movie Saw IV. 2010.10.01

Jade Second single from the group after their meeting.

Live albums

Date Title Details

1995.01.01 On the Verge of Destruction also known as Hametsu or Mukatte. Recorded on January 7, 1992 at the Tokyo Dome. 1997.10.15

Live Live Live Tokyo Dome 1993-1996 includes songs from X Japan Returns tours, Dahlia Tour Dahlia Tour Final 1995 and 1996, performed at the Tokyo Dome. 1997.11.05

Live Live Live Extra contains some songs from the Dahlia Tour Final 1996 that could not be included in the previous album.

1998.01.21 Live In Hokkaido One of the few bootlegs out there. It contains a concert held Hokkaido April 12, 1995. 1998.03.18

Art Of Life Live Released the same day as The Last Song. This is the Art Of Life live at the end of 1993, which lasts 34 minutes. 2001.05.30

The Last Live The last concert of the group. The last songs that sounded, Say Anything, The Last Song, Tears, were not included in the video, only audio cd.


Date Title Details

1993.11.21 X Singles The first compilation of singles from the group. Includes all the singles released while the group was with Sony. 1996.03.21

BOX ~ Best of X ~ contains the most popular songs of the group. Also brings an instrumental album and a concert video of On The Verge Of Destruction 1992. 1997.12.19

Ballad Collection contains all the ballads that were written by Yoshiki, so Voiceless Screaming, Taiji ballad, was not included.

1997.12.25 X Japan Singles ~ Atlantic Years ~ Second compilation of singles from the group, this time while they had a contract with Atlantic. Does not include the instrumentals. 1999.01.30

Star Collection Box very similar to BOX, with the difference that hide some songs were included to commemorate his death. 1999.02.24

Best Perfect 3-disc compilation with the most famous songs of the group, except Silent Jealousy, and an interview with Yoshiki. 2001.12.19

Best ~ Fan's Selection ~ Through an online poll were chosen the best songs of X Japan, as fans, resulting in this album.

2002.12.07 X Japan Complete Singles is a compilation of 2 albums with all the singles group from Kurenai (1989) to The Last Song (1997).

Compilations several

Date Title Details
Heavy Metal Force III The group collaborated with a song, Break The Darkness, which would be his only appearance on this album . 1987.07.03

Skull Thrash Zone Volume 1 First appearance on an album of Stab Me In The Back and No Connexion. The first letter is different from the album Jealousy. 2000.06.21

History of Extasy 15th Anniversary Compilation with songs from the most outstanding artists Extasy Records and recording stars. By X Japan Vanishing Love displayed and Un-finished. 2002.12.04
Trance X
This album is performed by various DJs, who mix electronic sounds with the songs of X Japan.

2004.02.24 X Japan Best made the first official release in the U.S.. Includes collecting Star X Box and video clips. 2007.03.03

Fun 5-disc compilation that includes famous songs by groups of J-Pop and J-Rock, which works with the X Japan Endless Rain Song. 2007.08.22

Climax-Dramatic Songs-appear many different groups of Japanese pop and rock, working with mostly ballads. X Japan Endless Rain brings with.
Piano 2007.10.24
Days ~ Kimi to Kiitos Love Song Collection 2 disc where X Japan cooperates with the song Say Anything.

collections and special editions

Date Title Details

1997.12.25 Single Box CD contains all the singles released during their stay with Atlantic (from Tears to Scars) in a box. 1997.12.25

Special Box is a box with the CDs of the albums Dahlia and Art Of Life. Was launched to mark the separation of the group. 1998.10.24

Single System Organizer This collection contains 7 singles (from Tears to Scars, but does not bring Setsubou No Yoru) presented in a folder type organizer. 1998.10.24

neoMax Gold Disc CD contains the album Art Of Life and Dahlia, a special song, and two plates with "X Japan Forever" and "hide Forever" written on them. Comes in a special box. Gold Disc
1998.10.24 Here are the singles Scars and Forever Love, released to commemorate hide, but come in a set of 2 gold albums with the motto "X Japan Forever" and "hide Forever." 2001.07.11

Album Collection Box contains all the band's albums, from Vanishing Vision (1988) to Dahlia (1996).

2005.10.01 X Japan Complete II Mega collection of 10 cd and dvd 9 meets the group's work since they changed their name to X Japan, less straightforward. Includes 2 discs with totally new material. 2007.02.14

Blue Blood Special Edition Special Edition album released in 1989, brings an extra CD with instrumental versions of the same. Launched to commemorate the group's meeting after 10 years. 2007.02.14

Jealousy Special Edition Like the Blue Blood Special Edition was released to celebrate the group's meeting after 10 years. Also bring a CD with instrumental versions of the album Jealousy.

Date Title Details

1987.08.XX Xclamation First video of the group, produced only for the fan club. Was done with the savings of all members and was recorded over a period of 3 days. Unpublished material left in the Complete II. Thanx 1989.03.16

愛 を こめ て ~ ~ First video of the song Kurenai. It was presented during the concert Bakuhatsu Sunz Gig March 16, 1989.

Blue Blood Tour 1989.06.01 爆 発 寸 前 Gig Video X concert in Shibuya Kohkaido of March 16, 1989. Contains most of the songs that would famous group. Sunz Bakuhatsu mean characters. 1989.12.31

刺激 (Shigeki)

Visual Shock Vol 2 contains the videos of songs from the album Blue Blood. While most are studio are some concerts. Celebration 1990.09.01

Visual Shock Vol 2.5 Bring the videos of 3 songs, Celebration, Week End, Endless Rain. Only the first 2 are under study, the latter is the concert at the Nippon Budokan in 1990. 1991.09.30

刺激 2 ~ 夢 の 中 に だけ 生き て ~

Visual Shock Vol 3 contains the videos of most of the songs on the album Jealousy. The title says "Yume no naka dake no iKit" which means "Living only a dream." 1991.12.21

Say Anything Ballad Collection ~ ~ X Visual Shock 3.5

Little video that brings some of the ballads the group when she was "X". Interestingly video brings Screaming Voicelees concert, which was then not included in the compilation Ballad Collection. 1992.02.21

Extasy Summit '91 at Nippon Budokan Bus Video Extasy Summit of 1991. X met several bands of visual style of Extasy Records to celebrate the Rock'n Roll.

破滅 に 向かっ て 1992.11.01 1992.1.7 Tokyo Dome
Shock Vol 4 The famous concert Hametsu Ni Mukatte the beginning of 1992, which was the departure of Taiji Group. Although they were in fact three nights in a row since Jan. 5, just went on sale 7. Comes in a 2-disc box. 1993.05.10

Extasy Summit '92

みんな 無名 だった, だけど 無敵 だった Second video of Extasy Summit by Bus. This concert was held on October 31, 1992. The title means "All were infamous, but all were invincible." 1995.01.01

X Clips Selection of the best videos for the age group "X". Then reappeared a special edition for the United States along with Star Collection Box. 1997.01.01

The Video

Dahlia Visual Shock Vol 5 Part 1 Part of the video for the album's songs Dahlia. Also brings live versions of the Tokyo Dome in Week End (1995) and Tears (1993). 1997.03.05

The Video

Dahlia Visual Shock Vol 5 Part 2 Second part of the video for the album's songs Dahlia. Also brings the recording sessions and Dahlia Love Forever. 1997.10.29

Dahlia Tour Final 1996 contains the concert held December 31, 1996 at the Tokyo Dome, in a 2-disc set.

2001.10.24 X Japan Clips II Second selection of the best videos of the group, it was time for the "X Japan", before disbanding. 2002.03.29

The Last Live Video The video of the last concert of December 31, 1997. Is incomplete in relation to the live audio album because the songs were not included that follow Endless Rain.

Date Title Details

2000.07.05 X Clips Selection of the best videos for the age group "X".

Blue Blood Tour 2001.09.05 爆 発 寸 前 Gig Video X concert in Shibuya Kohkaido of March 16, 1989. It contains most of the songs that would make the group famous. 2001.09.05

刺激 (Shigeki)

Visual Shock Vol 2 contains the videos of songs from the album Blue Blood. While most are studio are some concerts. Is equal to VHS. Celebration 2001.09.05

Visual Shock Vol 2.5 Bring the videos of 3 songs, Celebration, Week End, Endless Rain. Only the first 2 are under study, the latter is the concert at the Nippon Budokan in 1990. It is also the VHS. 2001.09.05

刺激 2 ~ 夢 の 中 に だけ 生き て ~

Visual Shock Vol 3 contains the videos most Jealousy album's songs. The title says "Yume no naka dake no iKit" which means "Living only a dream." Bring the same material as the VHS. 2001.09.25

Say Anything Ballad Collection ~ ~ X Visual Shock 3.5

Little video that brings some of the ballads the group when she was "X". Interestingly video brings Screaming Voicelees concert, which was then not included in the compilation Ballad Collection.

破滅 に 向かっ て 2001.09.25 1992.1.7 Tokyo Dome

Visual Shock Vol 4 The famous concert Hametsu Ni Mukatte the beginning of 1992, which was the departure of Taiji Group. Although there were actually 3 nights row since Jan. 5, just went on sale 7. Comes in a 2-disc box.

2001.10.24 X Japan Clips II Second selection of the best videos of the group, it was time for the "X Japan", before disbanding. 2002.03.29

The Last Live Video The video of the last concert of December 31, 1997. Is incomplete in relation to the live audio album because the songs were not included that follow Endless Rain. 2002.12.04

The Video

Dahlia Visual Shock Vol 5 This release contains parts 1 and 2 of Dahlia The Video on one DVD, with extras like the Rusty Nail animated video that appeared on the promotional compilation Perfect Best. 2002.12.04

Dahlia Tour Final 1996 contains the concert held December 31, 1996 at the Tokyo Dome, in a case of two discs. 2003.09.24

Art Of Life 1993.12.31 Tokyo Dome This video, which includes only one song was performed during the concert in late 1993. The only official video Art Of Life up before leaving X Japan Returns this was. 2007.07.25
Aoi Yoru Shiroi
Yoru Complete Edition DVD This box contains 5 2 concerts at the Tokyo Dome in December 1994, plus an extra backstage and Longing demo that gave the same day.

2008.01.25 X Japan Returns Complete Edition DVD 7 This box includes the 2 concerts made at the Tokyo Dome in December 1993, plus an extra behind the scenes. 2008.07.23

Visual Shock DVD Box 1989-1992 Box 9 commemorative DVD that contains all the videos released under the Sony label, plus one extra called "X Film Gig-Chi to Bara no Mamirete-" of 1990 in concert NK Hall

Monday, November 29, 2010

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The Sanskrit word chakra literally means wheel and refers to energy centers where it condenses, flows and transforms the vital energy or prana. Found in the crossing of the Nadis or astral tubes that circulate energy (see section Pranayama), having 7 major chakras. Both the nadis or astral tubes, as the chakras are at astral body the astral plane, which is the subtle counterpart of the physical body.

The three main nadis are Ida, Pingala and Sushumna nadi. The physical and astral body are overlapping and interconnected. In terms of the physical body Sushumna nadi starts from the base of the spine in the coccyx area, and extends to the top of the head. Mostly extension coincides with the spinal cord. Ida Nadi and Pingala, the symbolism is represented by the caduceus of Mercury, are the nadis nadi Sushumna run laterally, and these nadis through which energy flows normally, producing a dual consciousness, governed by bipolarity, observer- observed subject-object, and binary logic. The 7 chakras or energy centers are located main along Sushumna nadi, each representing a particular state of consciousness, and are associated with major nerve plexus of the physical body.
They are represented by lotus flowers with a certain number of petals, and are related to Sanskrit sounds, which when pronounced resonances create subtle astral level. Turn in classical representation of a color associated with a deity, an element and a specific mantra.


Located at the base of the spine, Muladhara Chakra represents the earth element. Represents the densest level of manifestation or condensation of cosmic energy, matter. Chakra Muladhara is associated with survival functions with the physical, with pleasure and sexuality, consciousness is rooted to the physical plane, both with our own body as Earth in turn is related to the sense of security and stability. Is associated with the sense of smell.

This chakra controls the gonads and adrenal glands. Governs the excretory system (in conjunction with apana) and the skeleton, teeth, nails and hair.
It is closely linked to the feet (karmaindriya) which are our connection to Earth
is the basis for existence in the material world and physical cohesion. A blockage in this chakra, produces an excessive identification with the material, or, conversely, a lack of physical foundation, centering on excessive volatility and fantasies. When it is balanced can "keep our feet on the ground" and maintain a healthy body.

This chakra kundalini lies dormant Shakti or cosmic force, when Kundalini awakens tends to rise towards the head by Sushumna nadi, located in the spine, awakening in their wake the different chakras or energy centers. To enable the upward path has to open the Brama Brama granthi-knot, which is in this chakra nadi Sushumna blocking. No one has to awaken Kundalini without having purified their nadis or energy tubes through intense sadhana or practice that requires carrying a purification at all levels of psycho-physical man. An awakening of Kundalini without proper preparation can lead to irreversible imbalances in the psyche. That is why the most effective and safest way to this awakening must be a regular practice of Hatha Yoga, Pranayama, meditation, vegetarian and full attention to the process of daily living.


This chakra is located at the height of the genitals on the spine. Its element is water. As Muladhara exerts its influence on sex and adrenal glands. It is also related to the abdomen, intestines, kidneys, bladder and sexual organs. It is closely connected to the hands (karmaindriya).
The balance of this chakra gives the sublimation of passions, anger, hatred, anger, violence and fear, transforming love, compassion, kindness, and peaceful feelings. Instead their imbalance is the cause of various sexual disorders and a lack of creativity, pain, excessive search for pleasure, aggression and problems of abdominal organs.
is the center of change, creativity, drive and sexual energy and pleasure, is also related to sociability. Represents the sense of taste. In Hindu teachings, much emphasis was placed in celibacy (Brahmacharya) in order to transmute the sexual drive with a downward trend in regards to energy, spiritual energy (Shakti thee listen) with an upward trend. This energy goes up sushumna nadi to the brain where it remains accumulated increasing spiritual awareness. The transformation of sexual energy in thee listen Shakti is properly a sublimation, and not a repression of sexual impulses that lead to mental and somatic disorders of various kinds, as well as a return of the repressed.


Located at the navel, represents the element fire. Is closely related to the emotions and nuances, and that is why, according to Eastern philosophy, that when we experience a strong emotion is accompanied by feelings at the height of his stomach, while being closely linked to epigastric plexus. Is the center of relational interaction with the universe, and the digestive process. It also relates to the vegetative activities. While Swadhisthana chakra Muladhara chakra and have a downward motion, Manipura chakra has a upward movement due to the quality of fire and heat.
is the chakra of transformation, through the combustion process of digestion, and through the transformation of the inertia of the earth and water and energy in action.
In the physical body corresponds to the sense of sight, and the anus (karmaindriya).
The development of this chakra, the person free of disease. The Manipura chakra imbalance leads to digestive problems, ulcers, diabetes, hypoglycemia, and emotional disorders.


Anahata chakra is located at heart level, being the element that corresponds to the air. Its name comes from that meditation on this center can hear Anahata sound, sound mystical qualities. Is associated in the physical body to the sense of touch, and its organ of action (karmaindriya) is the sexual organ. It relates to the functions of the heart, thymus gland and the circulatory system. Their imbalance causes circulatory problems, heart and respiratory (asthma, etc.). Depart from this chakra nadis or astral tubes to lower chakras located on the palms of hands, which serve to project prana from the heart center.
Anahata chakra is located right in the middle of the main line of chakras, the lower three chakras below and above the top. In this chakra lies the consciousness of individuality (Jivatman) the absolute principle identified by the limitations of the senses and mind. After the awakening of this chakra, there is a profound change in the levels of consciousness and liberation of identificatory ties of the individual, is a milestone that marks a before and after. Once awakened this chakra is no longer speaks of "my" or "you", no longer speaks of "my chakras" or "my awakening", but comprising the undivided nature of the vital principle, we understand the illusion of fragmentation with respect to other beings, and implementation becomes a matter of society as a whole. When the waters of the emotional attachment relationships based on pleasure-displeasure is silenced, it manifests the "Universal Love" which does not distinguish shapes and does not focus on the ego.
In the Eastern scriptures, Anahata chakra gives certain mental qualities such as travel mentally and perceive distant places and events.


The location of this chakra is the throat height and corresponds to Laryngeal plexus in the physical body, and its element ether (Akasha). This chakra is closely related to the thyroid gland, your body is the mouth action and the meaning associated with it is hearing.
In the Hindu scriptures which fully activates this center has a perfect knowledge of the scriptures or Vedas. After reaching the Universal Love, is a high purity, which is what gives the name of this powerhouse. It has to do with the expressive qualities communication of human beings. Vishudhi Chakra has the quality of space, where the other four elements are formed, and where then merged, so is the quality that is in a latent form behind them. The space is a necessary condition for something to fit into it. A vessel must be empty to be filled, so the mind has to be emptied so that what is revealed. Must be emptied to have a transparent view of the movement of life.
Vishudhi Chakra governs the vocal cords, gastrointestinal tract, lungs and hearing, so it generates a malfunction of the problems related to these areas.


Sushumna It is located in Nadi and also corresponds to a point between the eyebrows at the level of the pituitary gland and the cavernous plexus. Ajna Chakra which is the bija mantra Om is the seat of mental activities (weeks). The mind focused on this center awakens intuition-hand knowledge, "and is released from the duality as it corresponds to energy in their undifferentiated state. Meditation on this center also produces a progressive release of the mental impressions samskaras-o- accumulated. After the awakening of Ajna Chakra there is nothing left to look, as there are no form nor anything to be sought, there is a duality that is expressed in terms of experimenter-experienced. "Aham Brahma Asmi" - "I am Brahman" or rather "Brahman is" "The Absolute is." That is why it is said that this is the third eye chakra, the eye of Brahman, it is all there and all there is to it. It is a holographic vision where each fragment is replicated all. It transcends the illusion of time and space.
Ajna Chakra is closely related to the eyes, brain and its functions.


Sahasrara Chakra (thousand-petalled chakra) corresponds to the top of your head or top, and is intimately linked to the pineal gland in the physical body. This gland is triangular-oval which is located below the thickening of the corpus callosum, deep in the brain, is of great importance in much of the esoteric traditions, and is regarded by them as the connection point with Consciousness Absolute or Cosmic.
is in this chakra where it rests Siva, in perfect stillness, undisturbed, is the static aspect of the universe. Take time to observe a moment representation of Siva, and see that the latency of transmitting full attention, pure consciousness undisturbed, the Witness.
When Kundalini Shakti is the dynamic aspect of the universe, cosmic potentiality in man ascends Sushumna nadi, which is the central energy channel and corresponds to the physical body with the spine, awakens the first six chakras on its way. These six chakras below Sahasrara Chakra are like lotus flowers that the passage of Kundalini will illuminating and awakening deep states of consciousness, waking up gradually to other dimensions of the universe.
Sushumna Kundalini ascends to Sahasrara Chakra, where it merges with Siva. The static and dynamic first join, merge. The candidate achieves liberation. The drop of water merges into the ocean, doing what was always there, always understanding what they knew. The person is understood as a process, not as an entity, the entire process of life, in the Holos Holos. Siva and Shakti joining as particle and antiparticle meet that disappear.
to Ajna Chakra the applicant has understood the unity of the Self-existence. With the union (Yoga) now performs the non-existence. Or rather that is done be for non-existence, because now there is nobody to make the non-existence, there is an aggregate as an entity (me) who does it, simply is done. There is no uncertainty principle, there is no observer or the observed object.

Extracted from:

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Myrtle Beach Senior Week Houses

CHAKRAS ahimsa, nonviolence. By Swami Shivapremananda. November Activities

Excerpted from his book Introduction to Yoga Philosophy

To start any business in life we \u200b\u200bneed the preliminary steps. In the yoga system are two essential first steps made by the principles and Niyama Deyama or ethical foundation. Without it, we will build our house upon the sand and we risk falling back instead of progressing.

The first requirement is to learn to face ourselves, with our internal and external powers. If we must try to overcome shortcomings, while certain basic potential to be developed.

Yama, the first step in Raja Yoga means to contain, constrain. His first principle is ahimsa, literally can not insulting, non-violence and refers not only to our external actions but also our internal disposition.

usually means Ahimsa something like not to kill. Indeed, this is also its meaning but also involves a number of strengths and special gifts. Most of us do not go out to the street with the intention of killing anyone, but we violate the principle of Ahimsa with a word, a rude gesture or a thought of hatred.

intolerance, sudden reactions to the conduct of another, the usual lack of restraint, and even cowardice, are other ways of denying Ahimsa. If we are unable to cope with a situation and avoid the problem, although apparently an act of 'non-violence' becomes reality in the denial of Ahimsa. Resisting evil prevents violence in the world (...).

(...) Gandhi said: "Whenever society where there is injustice we must resist and build a powerful front to oppose this ignominy in the life ".

Ahimsa is not cowardice or weakness, and is related to the law of love. does not mean that a man sitting and remain apathetic hurt a fly, while violence shelters in your heart. Violence in the heart is the worst of all and their consequences are more severe than those caused by physical damage. The evil plots behind the other, the gossip, the damage by indirect means, are all forms of violence much greater than the physical injury. Ahimsa not mean meek submission to any abuse because it is legitimate to resist evil with all our strength but feel hatred or bitterness in our hearts.

Two principles were closely linked to Ahimsa. Are daya or compassion and karuna or mercy. Our attitude towards all creation should be merciful, compassionate, tolerant and loving spontaneous. We should not believe that our way of thinking and doing is the gospel truth while criticizing what others do with self-sufficiency. There are many examples of erroneous interpretation of Ahimsa: I know the fanaticism of some vegetarians lost in details of vitamins and calories that showed so much intolerance peers thought that if they had been leaders, life would have been terrible. Ahimsa

is an indirect expression of the principles of love. Why should we be nonviolent? Because our lives are integrated in a common spiritual awareness. "If I am violent to you, I'm really violent with me same. "

addition to this spiritual law also physically hurt us, because when a person is angry his whole body is poisoned, the glands emit secretions that affect the entire body.

And not only the body is affected. Violence hurts us mentally. The man with love in his heart feels peace wounds suffered while your mind is unhappy and restless. The third factor to consider is that the lawlessness of Ahimsa in turn leads to violent reactions, not only suffer because our own behavior but, on the physical plane, the antagonist will return violence with violence. In this reciprocal relationship, a harsh word will bring another and then another even worse, friendship is destroyed, it generates bitterness, hatred and just on the physical plane is vitiated human relationships.

Ahimsa to develop mentally repeat many times " peace and freedom." You can perform this exercise a few minutes before breakfast and, if desired, before dinner as well. Repeat this phrase over and over "spiritual fulfillment ". "My welfare depends on the welfare of others."

Friday, November 19, 2010

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The maha mudra or great health. theoretical and practical workshop

The maha mudra is a simple series of postures performed in a dynamic sequence synchronized with breathing. Regular practice of maha mudra confers lightness, peace and contentment.

has benefits at different levels: Free

  • psychic tension, preventing the accumulation of stress.
  • calms the mind.
  • develops concentration.
  • Improves balance.
  • strengthens and relaxes the legs and feet.
  • releases the finger joints of the feet, ankles, knees, hips, spine and shoulders.
  • causes a harmonious state of stillness and inner calm.
  • Active power flow in the first chakra (Muladhara) associated with overcoming fears, strengthen security and rooting.
  • With long-term practice, cultivates an attitude of control that allows one to see and accept things as they are life.
  • When you practice being aware of the symbolism of each position, is transformed into a dynamic meditation, which sow humility and connection to the divinity within. leads us to a state of equanimity from which you can understand one's own spiritual nature, in which there is no duality or conflict.

Content to be developed in the workshop:

-Maha Mudra Positions

-Symbology each position

-sequence harmonic positions


Yoga instructors wishing to incorporate this valuable technique in their classes.

Anyone interested in improving their psychological and physical health, quieting the fluctuations of the mind and achieve inner fulfillment.

Date: Friday November 19

Hours: 19.30 at 20:30

Held the 3rd C 689 Hortiguera

Value: $ 30

pranayama and meditation practice

Pranayama is to increase vital energy (prana) through the conscious control of breathing. Several techniques pranayama, this time make two:

Bhastrika: to remove stale air from the lungs and increase respiratory flow.

Nadi Sodhana: to balance the flow of solar and lunar energy in our body, achieving mental relaxation and serenity.

After pranayama we will make an excellent preparation for meditation technique, called Kaya Sthairyam. In Sanskrit the word " kaya means body " sthairyam " mean immobility. Therefore, it is a practice that seeks a complete physical stillness, through a series of specific steps that are guided by the instructor. Sthairyam Kaya is a fundamental technique for getting the mind to focus on meditation. When the body remains motionless, the fluctuations of the mind stops, only from this state can be accessed concentration, without which there can be the true meditation.

Finally we practice a meditation technique, which by some claims, it seeks to sow certain spiritual ideals the subconscious mind to align energy with our true spiritual nature and function in daily life according to it.

Date: Friday November 26

Time: 19:30 to 20:30

Held the 3rd C 689 Hortiguera

Value: $ 20

Important Book place in advance. Space is limited .

Information and registration: