To begin to sketch the history of the origins of this power plant and its infrastructure, date back to late nineteenth century, when Europe was living a real fever, after the discovery of the electrical appliance by Edison in the year 1879, to acquire so new and practical element.
The power, located in the neighborhood of Meaka, was not the first electric operated in Irun, in 1882 began operating the first plant, located in what is now Plaza Urdanibia , was a resounding failure, paralyzing exploitation "by onerous" the year after its inauguration, turning to the use of oil for lighting. The second, municipal, was launched in 1895, located in what is now Iparralde Avenue, had a municipal investment of 237.00 pesetas, was in operation until 1902, which brought to auction the lease of electricity, taking care of him society Endaraerreka.
The February 27, 1897 Endaraerreka society obtained the concession for the use of a flow 200 liters per second of the race Endara, right tributary of the river Bidasoa, in the vicinity of Endarlatsa, for conversion into electricity for private use. In 1899 the same company achieved the amendment of the concession was increased to 500 l / s, but this time at the head of the same race Endara.
The head of the Endara race consists of a small basin at the confluence of several streams that formed in the depression of Mount Bianditz. This site is planned to build a dam, whose water flow would be directed to the town by an open channel, to the vicinity of the village Arrizurreta, where they projected a regulating tank, in a very above the central location of the lift at the edge Irugurutzeta right race, which will take the name. The gap would be saved by driving two powerful water pipes.
Initially, this project did not satisfy public opinion, it was thought that the river Bidasoa lose hurting the traffic flow of barges that were engaged in transportation of mineral and other farm products, including the banks French voices were raised against him.

Irugurutzeta CENTRAL
This is a hydroelectric dam that was built en1900, under the management of the company Endaraerreka, over an area of \u200b\u200b385 square meters, its mechanical strength was in a machine shop equipped with four turbines, two copies of 250 kW and two more modern, mounted on the occasion of an extension made in the thirties, 500 kW of power, having a production capacity of 1500 kWh. light to cover the needs of the Villa. In times of drought, in which the turbines could not work at full capacity, the insufficiency in the flow of water, the plant had an auxiliary machine, powered gasoil, a power of 1,850 CV.
public auction held in Irun, 19 October 1902, the company Endaraerreka acquired the municipal power plant, taking over the supply of electricity for public lighting in our population. In November of that year, after merger of companies and Endaraerreka Tram Irun and Hondarribia , notary was set up a new company under the name of Irun Electra Endara, with a capital 2,500 000 pesetas, in the future would be the company that manages all the complex infrastructure Irugurutzeta. One of the first work performed was to replace the said tramway, draft animal, by a modern electric tram.
The creation and implementation of this central , required for carrying out a number of ancillary projects, but essential for its proper functioning, as described below.
Domik Reservoir
In order to impound the waters of the upper basin of the race Endara, in 1899, work began Domik dam on an area of \u200b\u200b11 hectares, for which there was a cliff that half screen 73m in length in the part of his coronation, reaching a height of 23metros, with a capacity estimated at 0.365 hectometres. Also on this same date, work began on the canal. This unique mountain engineering work, developed a bypass duct discovered, with a length of 12,848 meters, gravity flow channeling 800 l / s of water, passes through the eastern slopes of the Peña de Aya, spanning over three-quarters of its land tour Lesaka, reaching Irun town known as Artasoro point.
few miles later we had to make a tunnel of 411 meters below Otzarteko lepo, for through it, driving the channel to the opposite north side to reach Meazuri, in this place was necessary to also create a trap of 128 meters, composed of cast iron pipes, pear necessary bridge the gap caused by the fault that runs through the preserve Meazuri mining, and thus continue the route of the canal to the nearby village of Arrizurreta.
Today the canal is being restored throughout its length, through works that began in July 2004, is proceeding with its waterproofing, as well as being covered by concrete slabs 50 x 180 x 6, called Txingudi. Thus, henceforth, will become practicable way on its surface.
in land near the hamlet of the same name designed a cargo tank, as the last and drainage canal, on a surface of 1,888 square meters, the deposit was made with a capacity to 6,660 meters cubic, fitted with a drop pipe, of 1,231 meters, calculated to save the 330-meter drop between the tank and the engine room of the plant. Vertical necessary to make the water come down with the force needed to drive turbines. The second pipeline exists today was laid to mark the enlargement of the reforms made in the thirties. These pipes have a diameter of 0.50 meters.
Machine Room
Society Electra Irun Endara, developed his work electricity supply in the city of Irun , head of the central Irugurutzeta for half a century. In November 1953, the lighting of our city became part of the network of electricity Iberduero Company (now Iberdrola).
The City Council, took the property by deed dated June 7, 1973, all facilities except the plant itself, which was left to the Electra .
Today Irugurutzeta the power and all their assets, are under the direction of public enterprise, Txingudi Services - Txingudi Zerbitzuak, company set up by public deed on December 22, 1989, beginning to manage its work on January 1, 1990. In recent years, 2001 - 2007, average production has been central to 3,750,000 kWh. Keeping production in a recessive bypass.
Berodia Gordejuela Ricardo. F ebrero de 2009
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