This spectacular waterfall is located in the Parque Natural de Aiako Harria, municipal district of Irun . Its easier access is that it keeps track of the parking Gorostardi of which is reached after climbing from Irun by Erlaitz road. This track runs through the preserve Meazuri mining and five tunnels through which mineral driving the train in a small animal traction. Position: X 0599520, Y 4795482, Z 252.
With over a hundred meter fall, is the largest waterfall Gipuzkoa, also among the largest in Euskal Herria . This consists mainly , by race Azpiko Iturria , which is joined by three small streams that are also born in the northern slope of Aiako Harria. These are: Elurretxe , Soroa Aireko and Aireko Palazioa .
geology that defines the particular environment gives us intrusion granitic batholith of Peña Aia fracturing layer dressing consisting Paleozoic rocks, it provides into the outlet, the formation of natural aquifers due to the high rate impermeability both Paleozoic shales, as it gives the primary rock, granite, these deposits captives, retain large amounts of rainwater, which store between the two layers of rock, leaning by leaks produced at points where there permeable materials, called food zomas of . These aquifers naturally provide upwelling water, fumes that result in flow streams and race variable. This is the birth of the race Azpiko Iturria , emanating near the source of the same name, A small water upwelling along the ground, sprout a transparent thread of liquid, a few meters already form a significant stream, after crossing the road in a beautiful stone bridge, slides between oaks, down the hill.
These four streams soon become two, the Azpiko Iturria , and the Egiluz formed by the confluence of the other three. Run separated by Mount Egiluz and after overcoming this obstacle, bind both to cross the adjacent forest, forming a single channel, with a greater volume of water, precipitated, boxed on the precipice of Sarjiñola , carving their way through the hard granite The race takes its name from Sarjiñola while crossing this spot, changed to Meazuri when it comes to an end mining of the same name.
Here in Meazuri , meanders through a beautiful place, because of the slight slope that provides the ground forming a small narrow valley. This is a special place, an almost magical environment where the leafy woods, shafts and tunnels of the mine, and the path along which the old mine train, make up an incomparable setting. In so idyllic, it is where it breaks the illusion. Unexpectedly, the valley ends and a deep cut, led by a fault in the structure of granite, rushing water below 120 meters, but not before going through an "eye" natural, formed by erosion of the rock leading to our spectacular waterfall Aiztondo . "
The base of this waterfall at the foot of the granite mass of Mount Azkaine , Next to the main haulage Meazuri , today turned into the tunnel and used for the bringing of water from the reservoir Endara in San Antón ( Lesaka ). Down here is accessed by a convenient track of Irugurutzeta . From this base starts a narrow path, parallel to the waterfall, back to Meazuri . In this narrow place, the sun's rays do not reach from the month of November to February, due to its encasement in the ravine, is known by the name of Uramildea . In the old mining facilities can be seen today in ruins.
From here, the course Water cuts through a narrow gorge battered, half blinded by the many tons of rock dropped on him, by reason of the construction the top track for channeling and drinking water supplies to Irun. This place, known as gully Aiztondo , gives its name to the waterfall and the regatta, which continues its path going along the ore calcining furnaces Irugurutzeta to cross later, the bucolic valley Meaka , which is fired upon arrival, which in other times outside chapel, now the village of Artiga, and reach for Osinbiribil his mouth in the river Bidasoa . RICARDO
Berodia Gordejuela
Irun 2007

With over a hundred meter fall, is the largest waterfall Gipuzkoa, also among the largest in Euskal Herria . This consists mainly , by race Azpiko Iturria , which is joined by three small streams that are also born in the northern slope of Aiako Harria. These are: Elurretxe , Soroa Aireko and Aireko Palazioa .
geology that defines the particular environment gives us intrusion granitic batholith of Peña Aia fracturing layer dressing consisting Paleozoic rocks, it provides into the outlet, the formation of natural aquifers due to the high rate impermeability both Paleozoic shales, as it gives the primary rock, granite, these deposits captives, retain large amounts of rainwater, which store between the two layers of rock, leaning by leaks produced at points where there permeable materials, called food zomas of . These aquifers naturally provide upwelling water, fumes that result in flow streams and race variable. This is the birth of the race Azpiko Iturria , emanating near the source of the same name, A small water upwelling along the ground, sprout a transparent thread of liquid, a few meters already form a significant stream, after crossing the road in a beautiful stone bridge, slides between oaks, down the hill.

These four streams soon become two, the Azpiko Iturria , and the Egiluz formed by the confluence of the other three. Run separated by Mount Egiluz and after overcoming this obstacle, bind both to cross the adjacent forest, forming a single channel, with a greater volume of water, precipitated, boxed on the precipice of Sarjiñola , carving their way through the hard granite The race takes its name from Sarjiñola while crossing this spot, changed to Meazuri when it comes to an end mining of the same name.
Here in Meazuri , meanders through a beautiful place, because of the slight slope that provides the ground forming a small narrow valley. This is a special place, an almost magical environment where the leafy woods, shafts and tunnels of the mine, and the path along which the old mine train, make up an incomparable setting. In so idyllic, it is where it breaks the illusion. Unexpectedly, the valley ends and a deep cut, led by a fault in the structure of granite, rushing water below 120 meters, but not before going through an "eye" natural, formed by erosion of the rock leading to our spectacular waterfall Aiztondo . "
The base of this waterfall at the foot of the granite mass of Mount Azkaine , Next to the main haulage Meazuri , today turned into the tunnel and used for the bringing of water from the reservoir Endara in San Antón ( Lesaka ). Down here is accessed by a convenient track of Irugurutzeta . From this base starts a narrow path, parallel to the waterfall, back to Meazuri . In this narrow place, the sun's rays do not reach from the month of November to February, due to its encasement in the ravine, is known by the name of Uramildea . In the old mining facilities can be seen today in ruins.
From here, the course Water cuts through a narrow gorge battered, half blinded by the many tons of rock dropped on him, by reason of the construction the top track for channeling and drinking water supplies to Irun. This place, known as gully Aiztondo , gives its name to the waterfall and the regatta, which continues its path going along the ore calcining furnaces Irugurutzeta to cross later, the bucolic valley Meaka , which is fired upon arrival, which in other times outside chapel, now the village of Artiga, and reach for Osinbiribil his mouth in the river Bidasoa . RICARDO
Berodia Gordejuela
Irun 2007
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