The Signs are signs, permanent indicators that are placed to fix the boundaries of estates, terms and borders.
are usually made of stone and their shapes and sizes are varied, but usually match the proportionality of the higher importance of the edge, the greater the size or significance of the milestone.
The stone used for its construction usually different color and composition to the place of its location, to ensure that stand out with respect to the surrounding environment. It is very common to have carved order number and the initials of the words to refer, sometimes even carry date. As the cadence of its location, is usually based on the geographical sinuous in places that mark the limits of a river, it dispenses with the use of pillars on its banks.
For placement, it digs a hole of some depth, deposited on the bottom pieces of coal and advantages, resource that appeals when, having lost a landmark is to find its position, kneeling on the floor placed vertically and tangentially to the limit, where you need to demarcate sharp angles (acute or right), placed two markers or size in the top of the stone to determine the angle, placement is performed before witnesses and representatives on both sides of the edge to demarcate
In Irun we mainly four types of Boundaries: Private, Military, International and Municipal.
are marked by small stones, formed by stones no special size or reference, are the unknown for being on private land, however, are perhaps the most ink has been spilled because of old disputes known landmarks move unilaterally to the detriment of Coming from the neighbor. But like all exceptions are particularly crucial, and the boundaries are known lineage from families, large landowners whose boundaries are marked by conspicuous landmarks which contain the initials of the owner and the year of demarcation. Are also those of nature municipal, provincial, etc..
come in two types, characteristics and uses well-differentiated : those who mark a property of type military and deterrent to the deserters.
The Property, are made of cement have truncated pyramid and are rather small, eg at the foot of the existing tower Endarlatsa , reads one side the date 1885 and divided into the other three sides engraved : R. G. (branch of war), could still be a few more near the site of Erlaitz - Atxiñarri that it will be recalled was militarily in an area of \u200b\u200b148,088 m2, which acquired the State in 1891 in order to make a strong belt that was part of Irun entrenched - Oiartzun . This fort was never performed.
of deserters
In reads:
The origin of these stones, if we read Serapio Mugica , dates from the century XVIII.
at this time should be very common among the soldiers who manned the border, the defection to France and wanting University Irun ... with customary zeal devoted to the service of Our King Lord, it was agreed (as recorded in the municipal book of minutes of April 13, 1762), to be published in the parish that any resident or inhabitant of this university that immediate recognition in those mountains, some deserters, forthwith give part of it to the recruits had at this University, or any chapter of her master to take the necessary orders .
In session 6 March 1763 a letter was reported in the province in which he realizes: ... that many deserters from the Regiment of Cantabria and for every one that is lame, real 120 will gratification. also mentions the waiver of penalties for those who return. University commissioning all residents engaged in his usual zeal in royal service.
could also have full effect in the second half of the nineteenth , when the first attempts to incorporate decks ranks Basque exempted until 1878 when charters were abolished after the Carlist Wars, and that led many desertions.
Perhaps most worthy of this landmark is to remain intact in the same place where he placed two and half centuries ago.
The story of another milestone, which is known, follows the same principles as that of Soroeta , was located in the neighborhood of Anaka the roadside linking the villages of Gebaraberri and Letxumborro therefore close to the line of Irun Hondarribia with , which passed behind the said land to the bridge of AMUT . Today, various modifications , the limit is on the bridge of Zubimusu in Mendelu .
Back in the sixties, when conducting a widening of that road, ripped the place marker, leaving him lying on the edge of the slope where he was long forgotten, until a famous irun, farmhouse owner Letxumborro , picked it up and kept giving notice to the City Council .
Today, this landmark of the same characteristics and the same inscription as above, is under private hands, hoping to better purpose.
The Cairn No. 1, the dividing line that separates Spain from France is located on the right bank of the river Bidasoa, a thousand feet below the bridge Endarlatsa on a rock called Txapitelakoarria , she has her seat in the first pillar, on which is carved a "1." As is clear from Annex V of the act of demarcation .
Here converge the municipalities of Irun , Biriatou and Vera de Bidasoa ( Bera .)
The Franco-English border was defined by the Treaty of the Pyrenees in 1659, runs superimposed on the Pyrenees mountains extending over 656.3 km., From southwestern France and northeastern English , linking the sea of \u200b\u200bBiscay and Mediterranean .
The current path due to the agreements of the Treaty of Bayonne 1856. through which boundaries were demarcated Guipúzcoa and Navarra. Successive treaties dealt with the other provinces.
In 1995, the Schengen agreement were abolished border controls of persons and goods, thus ensuring freedom of movement across the border.
Following the provisions of the Treaty of Bayonne , the border is physically marked by 602 markers. These markers are, from west to east, numbered consecutively and referenced with an initial. The "R" indicates the REAL attribute to the line.
The rest of the delimitation of the border town of Irun with France is also registered in the Treaty of Bayonne and article 9 states: From Chapitelaco -Arian the dividing line between the two monarchies will fall through the center of the mainstream of the river Bidasoa , at low tide, to enter with him into the harbor Higuer of retaining its Current nationality the islands, and leaving Pheasants of the common to the two nations. We must remember in this connection that the Isle of Pheasants is the smaller European condominium.
The first date found in the municipal archives sobe landmarks, dating from October 10, 1571, in which it is stated that: ... are from time immemorial to this part, in those minutes testifies ... a bisita of the landmarks that are in the meadow called Urcan in dibisión of Lesaca and the University of Yrun Urancu , Putting it into effect and bisitaron and allaron rreconocieron six stone markers ... Back there are other writings that are regarding the placement of a landmark new or has revised regularly.
occasion of the Royal Decree exemption jurisdiction issued on 14 March 1766 and signed by King Carlos III through which it is attached to the University of Irun ... the waiver in civil and criminal, because the political and military rulers and governed by its officers , for Fuenterrabia and fix the boundary between two territories that border ... from the site Arroio Gainchurisketa call up to the forge of Urdanibia Espido and dividing the two terms to the bridge named Telleria and from to give to the bridge and continuing the same AMUT Arroio to where it enters the river Bidasoa ... . resolution that is implicit in the title of Villa. For this reason we proceeded with the demarcation of the entire municipal territory by placing more markers to determine their boundaries, as witnessed two of them are carved the date of 1,766. are located in the hamlet of Adarearri and Erbitegi. Following these boundaries are known to have undergone some changes.
The town of Irun, has a total area of \u200b\u200b4,176 hectares., Defines eight people, three of whom are French, two and three Gipuzkoa Navarre, making as follows : the north Hondarribia (6.01 km.) Hendaye (3.14 km.) and Urrugne (0.10 km.) east to Biriatou (7.63 km) and Bera (0.28 km.) to Lesaka south (5.93 km) and west Oiartzun (7.42 km) and Lezo (0.62 km.), Which sum a perimeter of 31.13 km.
The number of markers demarcating the perimeter was 72, looking at the map of Irun made in 1896 by French geographers, brothers Erhard and published in Paris in 1901, today this number has changed. The type of rock they are carved the stones are of red sandstone, its size is varied, exceeded one meter high by 0.50 wide and 0.15 thick, in each of the two sides have entered the initial of the locality. These initial answer: Y (Irun), O (Oiartzun) L (Lezo and Lesaka) and F (Hondarribia). The municipal boundary is divided into four sections, carrying the markers of each of your numbered, in two of these markers is read the date of 1,766.
is nothing new the disappearance or destruction of certain milestones. But with regard to the location of No. 1, which has always believed that was placed at the site of Artasoro, along the canal that brings water Domik as recited in the above map Irun. It is known however that in the aforementioned review of 1,571 minutes, citing the location of the first marker reads: ... the first thing most of the meadow Baxo Urcan. Azia the part where is located the yuso Endara ironworks in the part called Edanlecuburua. This forge, then transformed into the mill and whose remains are preserved today, is located near the bridge of Boga in Endarlatsa.
Another testimony of 1,873, is the defendant request the City Council, by the director of the British mining company (which operated in Endarlaza) by reason of the works of widening the bridge on the Boga to navigate the mine train , permission to move the marker placed on the bridge Boga.
also have other data from 1889, is the certification of a municipal act, signed by D º Emilio Navas, secretary that was our consistory. It reads: ... Gathered in a small village Artasoro in jurisdiction of the town of Irun, on October 29th of 1889, the S res. with their respective offices and representation below are expressed in compliance with the Royal Order of August 20 last, was verified the demarcation as follows:
1 Landmark: One is located on the bridge named Boga , the point where the race ends Endara, into the river Bidasoa and continuing the limit of JURISDICTION in the middle of the race or stream to the point called Aitzolaco-Erreca near the hamlet of Artasoro where is placed the 2 nd Marker ...
trust that at the end of the works that are taking place in the environment Endalatsa Boga and the reform of the road N.121, our City Council proceed with the placement of a new Marker No. 1, where it always was.
- Boga Bridge, located at the confluence of the race with the river Bidasoa Endara, to the Rock of Aya. These mark the boundary Lesaka southeast, have a numbering through twelve, although currently the number one is gone and the twelfth is cut soil deposit. This river is known by the name of "The Twelve Apostles, to bring everyone the name of a saint, the first San Pedro and Santo Tomas last. According to two documents, 1571, deposited in the archives of Irun and Lesaka.
- De Hirumugarrieta to Usateguieta, represents the limit with Oiartzun, on the southwest side, the stones were numbered from one to forty-one, today there are more milestones as between a number and the following have put what has been given call the number "bis" and have for example 5 and 5 bis, the latter not numbered. The first is a small cairn located at the top of Hirumugarrieta (site formerly known as Zamarrolagaña) is triangular and bears the initials AND, OR and L, each geared to the municipality they represent. This marker was placed on July 26, 1817. In this section are the stones bearing the date 1766, are No. 9, located at the site of Aldarearri and No. 27, located near the village Erbitegui at the foot of the road linking sales with Arkale and Oiartzun .
- De Usategieta to Gaintxurizketa is a short drive from two thousand feet marking the boundary with Lezo on the west side, there are four existing milestones, being double that of Usateguieta to mark angle. Today the work of widening of the N1 highway, have changed the environment and proceeded to the placement of a new landmark at the top of Gaintxurizketa.
- De Gaintxurizketa to Mendelu, represents part of the northern edge of being all of it with the municipality of Hondarribia, this section originally had thirteen when none numbered markers, the latter was on the bridge Zubimusu today landmark bridge and disappeared, but in 1999 a marker was placed new Zubimusu place. The rest of the northeast boundary to be at river has no landmarks. Documentation
AM Lesaka: C-158-CPTA. 6, C-547-CPTA. 5